Meandering (Wide)
Friday, November 30, 2012
Day 30: Being Alive
Here's Sondheim's "Being Alive" from Company. And thanks to Bryann for being that "Somebody."
Someone to hold you too close,
Someone to hurt you too deep,
Someone to sit in your chair,
And ruin your sleep...
Someone to need you too much,
Someone to know you too well,
Someone to pull you up short,
To put you through hell...
Someone you have to let in,
Someone whose feelings you spare,
Someone, who like it or not,
Will want you share
A little, a lot....
Someone to crowd you with love,
Someone to force you to care
Someone to make you come through
Who'll always be there
As frightened as you
Of being alive
Being alive,
Being alive,
Being alive.
Somebody, hold me too close,
Somebody, hurt me too deep,
Somebody, sit in my chair,
And ruin my sleep,
And make me aware
Of being alive,
Being alive
Somebody, need me too much,
Somebody, know me too well,
Somebody, pull me up short,
And put me through hell,
And give me support
For being alive.
Make me alive.
Make me alive!
Make me confused,
Mock me with praise,
Let me be used,
Vary my days.
But alone is alone,
Not alive.
Somebody, crowd me with love,
Somebody, force me to care,
Somebody, let me come through,
I'll always come through,
As frightened as you
To help us survive
Being alive
Being alive
Being alive
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Day 29: Musicals
Bryann is currently addicted to Stephen Sondheim. Which means we constantly have "Sweeny Todd" and "Company" playing in the background of our lives. He pulls up the movie of live production of either and it plays while we make dinner, or are cleaning, doing laundry, getting ready for bed. It makes household tasks much more fun. I've even caught him SINGING ALONG!!
We found "Sunday in the Park with George" and "Into the Woods" on Amazon Prime Instant Viewing, so I'm sure we'll get around to watching those this weekend, and maybe Bryann will get adicted to those soundtracks as well, but for now, we're catching up on some of the revival productions of "Sweeny" and "Company." Bryann rented the 2002 revival of "Sweeny Todd in Concert" (starring the George Hearn -the original Sweeny - Patty LuPone, and Neil Patrick Harris) from the Marylhurst Library and we watched that on Tuesday. Tonight we're watching the 2011 revival of Company with NPH and Patty LuPone again!)
Aside from watching and listening to soundtracks from musicals, we live in this wonderful city of Portland where Broadway Across America brings us amazing shows like Phantom of the Opera, Wicked, Rent, West Side Story, Avenue Q, Monty Python, etc. There are also really excellent theater companies where we've seen outstanding productions of Sweeny Todd, Company (again with the Sondheim!), Legally Blonde, UrineTown, and The Putnam County Spelling Bee.
I love musicals. I'm thankful they exist. The music from musicals forms the backbone of my childhood music education. I would hate to live without them.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Day 28: My Awesome Brain
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Day 27: Homebrewing
We started another beer on Sunday - "Hoppy Holidays IPA". We went back to the U-Brew store, picked up supplies, told the guy what we were thinking of doing, and he gave us a basic IPA recipe that we just tweaked with some different hops and added spices to the boil. It's currently fermenting in a carboy on our kitchen counter, and will be ready in a few weeks.
As we've discovered with the Apricot Cream Ale, the beer gets better with age. It's been a few weeks since we started drinking the Cream Ale, and it's noticeably better and more flavorful since it's been aging in the keg.
I'm looking forward to tasting the new brew! We won't know if it's any good until it's ready, so here's hoping!!
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"Hoppy Holidays IPA" fermenting on our kitchen counter |
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Selection of malts |
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Monday, November 26, 2012
Day 26: The Handy-Men in My Life
We also had a gigantic clog in our drain after brewing a batch of beer and Bryann putting the steeped grains down the garbage disposal. Gross, icky stuff was coming up from our master bathtub and made me gag a little bit when I saw it. Thank goodness for Bryann who can stomach gross stuff. He snaked the drains, and got the clogs out. I'm thankful he knows how to do all of that stuff so I don't have to worry about it. It was nice not to stress about what to do when I realized the pipes were clogged. I could relax, knowing that Bryann knew how to take care of it.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Day 25: Hobbies and New Hobbies
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Day 24: ReBuilding Center
Here are some photos from installation day today:
Old, scratched up, shallow stainless steel sink |
Ripped up and prepped |
New(ish) Kohler cast iron sink with single handle faucet and soap dispenser! |
Bathroom sink ripped out and prepped |
Men working on man things like installing sinks! |
Friday, November 23, 2012
Day 23: Grandma
She's got a fascinating history, and if you ask her, she'll tell you all kinds of pre-war and WWII stories, or civil rights, medicine, technology, or spiritual stories. If you get her talking long enough about spiritual stuff, you'll hear some amazing stuff about intuition and the special properties of our beach house. If you don't quite believe in the same stuff, you'll probably think she's crazy, but we don't care. I'm thankful I've always lived near her and could see her often throughout the year, and I get something new every time I visit with her.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Day 22: Thanksgiving
Here are a few photos from the day:
All of us gathered around the table for our T-day Feast |
Dad and Poppy in there respective napping positions... :-P |
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Day 21: My Parents
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Day 20: My Health
I had the option to continue with a traditional healthcare plan, but an HSA was MUCH cheaper for me month by month because I don't have to contribute anything to it if I don't want to, and I think will be cheaper for me in the long run because I don't have any health problems that require me to see a doctor often enough to justify the monthly payment. Which brings me to what I'm thankful for today - my health. I hope that if I continue to take care of myself, I'll remain this healthy for a long time. I know crazy stuff happens and I come down with an awful condition for no reason, but all the more reason to be thankful for my healthy state today.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Day 19: Video Chats
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Day 18: Lazy Sundays
I'm thankful that we're in a position to enjoy a lazy day every now and then. It's good for my soul.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Day 17: My Fans
Friday, November 16, 2012
Day 16: Our House Location
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Day 15: Mid-Week Dinner with Friends
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Day 14: Slow Cookers
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Day 13: Consonare Chorale
But dress rehearsal always works out the nerves and the kinks and eases our worries. We're always ready. Because we're a high caliber group, and we're all passionate about music and performing to the highest of our abilities.
I love being a part of Consonare. I was told in college to treasure the time I had with Chamber Choir because I would never again sing in a truly great choir again. Well, that was before Georgina (a former WU Chamber Choir alumn) created Consonare and showed Dr. Long that truly great choirs do exist outside of college. I love music, I love singing, and I love being a part of such an amazing group of musicians and people.
So thankful I took a risk last December and auditioned. I'm so thankful I got in! I'm so thankful I get to share my passion with like-minded and equally talented musicians once a week, 9 months out of the year! :-D
Monday, November 12, 2012
Day 12: Flexibility of My New Job
I'm an hourly employee, paid on an 80 hour pay period. Outside of classes I'm teaching, or meetings I have to attend, my managers don't care how I get in my 80 hours. My schedule is super flexible and I can set my own working hours. I worked 47 hours last week, so today, to fill in those 3 hours I needed for today, I stayed in my pajamas, made some coffee, and worked on some excel tracking stuff my team needed. I think I really love this job. :-D
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Day 11: Bryann's Teammates
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Day 10: Wine & Dine
Friday, November 9, 2012
Day 9: Snow!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Day 8: My New Co-Workers
I'm thankful to be a part of such an awesome group!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Day 7: Election Results
I don't think anyone super conservative reads this Blog, so I'm not going to worry about offending anyone. I stay far far away from posting anything political on Facebook, because I've seen some of the nasty things people say to each other through comments. I have a lot of friends on FB that don't share my political views and don't see the point in arguing or losing friends over opposing views.
That being said, I'm glad Obama won, and I hope he'll use his second term more aggressively. I'm glad to see the first ever openly gay/lesbian candidate elected to the US Senate. I'm glad that four states elected marriage equality measures. I feel like marriage equality is at a tipping point and will start getting a greater margin of support in the coming years.
I'm a bit sad that over 6 billion dollars was spent on political marketing, and the country with the same balance of power, and someday I hope we will rework how campaign fundraising is done.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Day 6: Modern Transportation
I'm in Missoula, Montana for work this week and I'm pretty amazed at the ease with which I travelled 550 miles today. Bryann dropped me off (via our car) at the Max station this morning and I took the train to the airport. Then I caught a flight to Seattle, then to Missoula, where I picked up a rental car and drove to the hotel. Total travel time: 6 hours.
By foot: 7 days, 13 hours
By bike: 2 days, 6 hours
By car: 9 hrs, 43 mins
I did good. VERY thankful I didn't have to hoof it - though now I do wish Google maps gave travel time estimates by horse.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Day 5: Clean and Abundant Water
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Day 4: Being "Laid Off"
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Day 3 - Family
Granted, some people prefer only seeing their families once a year, but part of what I'm thankful for is that I actually LIKE my family. No, LOVE my family. :-)
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Backyard BBQ this past summer with the family! |
Friday, November 2, 2012
Day 2 - My New Job
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Month of Thanks-Giving is Back!
#1 - Bryann Turner (you totally didn't see that coming, did you??)
He's amazing. :-)
I've been hearing stories from the women at my new job about their ex-husbands or crappy boyfriends, or friends crappy husbands, and I often find myself wondering 1) why these women are dating such awful men, and 2) are there really not many good guys out there?
I'm lucky I don't have to worry about that. I have a great guy all to myself!
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Us being awesome at my friend's "Wiggin Out" birthday party |