Meandering (Wide)

Friday, December 27, 2013

4 Months

We've made it through 4 months of parenthood!  This past month has been really fun.  She's woken up to the world.  She smiles and socializes and we even heard her laugh once!

Stats:  Weight: 11 lbs 5 oz -14th percentile
Height: 24.5 inches - 58th percentile
Head circumference: 40.5 cm - 35th percentile

Health:  UUUUGGGGHHH!  We cannot figure out this spitting up thing.  We had her on Baby Zantac, then tried Baby Prevacid and neither of those really reduced the amount that she spit up.  By all other accounts, she's a happy bouncing baby meeting developmental milestones, so I'm trying not to worry about it too much.

Sleep:  This month has not been as beautifully predictable as last month.  Sometimes she'll give us a nice stretch of sleeping 10pm-4am, and sometimes she's up every 2 hours during the night.  Needless to say, this month has been a little harder on me since I'm not getting my beauty sleep.

Clothes/Diaper Size:  Fitting nicely in the 0-3 month and 3 month clothes.  She's a bit wee for her age, so she's not in the 3-6 month clothes yet.  I think those won't be used for a few months yet.

Diet:  EBF and bottle fed during the days she's at Katee's and I'm at work.  Bottle feeding has gone decently well this month.  We've had a few trying nights while Reezy or Bryann was watching her and I got a night off for Book Club or Holiday Ale Fest, but overall she's been eating when I'm at work.  I've read that the 4 month stage can be a period of regression in her eating and sleeping habits, so I'm hoping things will get better by this time next month.

Baby Gear Love:  ErgoBaby, her swing, SwaddleMe blankets, MAM pacifiers, MAM bottles (the ONLY bottle nipple we've had better success with), a carseat+stroller frame that is pretty small and stays in the car, Lights & Sounds jungle-themed play mat with dangling toys, caterpillar rattling dangling toy-thing, BundleMe super warm carseat blanket-thing

Nicknames:  Callie-bug, Goo-Goo, Monkey, Spit-up Monster, Goober Boober, Babers

Favorite Songs/Lullabies:  Moon River, Baby Mine, Nothing's Gonna Harm You, Silent Night, and Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas are the go-to lullabies this month.

The new eating song goes "Yummy yummy yummy, you got milk in your tummy, and I feel like feeding you!"

The new burping song is "You Can Burp if You Want To"
You can burp if you want to
You can leave your gas behind
'Cause your friends don't burp
And if they don't burp, well they're
No friends of mine
The new finished feeding song is "Bye-bye boobie, boobie bye-bye"

Milestones/Firsts: The holiday season lent itself to lots of first events.  Callie had her first Thanksgiving - We had the whole family at the new house- Reezy, Great Grandma Lyles, Grandma 'Lainey & Grandpa Jake, David & Audy- plus our friends Connor & Jess and baby Nora.  

First Christmas adventures- seeing the lights at The Grotto, cutting down her first Christmas tree (though she slept in the carrier the entire time), singing Christmas Carols with my choir peeps down Peacock Lane, Christmas morning and opening presents.

Callie rolled over from tummy to back several times over Thanksgiving weekend and I missed all of them until Sunday night that weekend.  Then I caught this awesome video!

First accidental injury (of many in the future, I'm sure) by Samson's tail- he whipped his tail against the back of her head. She was NOT happy. Poor girl! 

Callie has been smiling a lot this month, putting her hands in her mouth, practicing sitting up, practicing standing, holding her head up and looking around and supporting her weight on her forearms during tummy time.  Her eyes are starting to change colors.  She still has a deep dark blue ring around the outsides of her irisis, but the insides are turning hazel.  She's also very vocal and spends most of her play time saying "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh" and thbt-ing. 

Likes: Having her diaper changed, watching me shower while she's sitting in her bouncy seat, putting her hands in her mouth, having her face wiped while I make silly noises, getting picked up out of her crib in the mornings (she smiles SO HUGE when either of us come in to get her)

Dislikes: Being sleepy, being bottle fed, not getting fed IMMEDIATELY when she decides she's hungry.

Things I Don't Want to Forget:  Callie has laughed ONCE for us - Bryann was lying on the ground and was holding her up on his stomach and she let out a "haha!" and it was the CUTEST THING EVER!!!  Since then we've been trying to get her to laugh again, but all she does is this extended smile/silent laugh.  So frustrating!!

Her many, many smiles this month.  Particularly how she smiles at me when I go to pick her up out of her crib or her swing.  

The way she wobbles her head when I'm helping her sit up, or she pushes herself off of me when I'm holding her to have a look around.  She looks just like a bobble head doll.  

Dancing in the basement with her, singing along to the "Company" soundtrack.  

Spotted!  Grandpa is snoozing on the job.  

At The Grotto with the Schlyper clan

Baby and Daddy with the Christmas tree and newly painted fireplace

We discovered her neck was strong enough for flying!
Grandma 'Lainey and Great-Grandma Lyles

Callie and Kitty chillin' out max and relaxin' all cool

Sam is sniffing around hoping to discover a little puddle of spit-up.  Tummy time is always good for that. 

Cut down our own Christmas Tree

Little Elf!

Family Christmas portrait

Monday, November 25, 2013

3 Months

10 lbs, 15 oz and 23 inches tall

Health:  Her reflux has gotten way worse this month, and I finally took her in to a new Pediatrician to see if we could get her on some baby Pepcid since the other interventions (shorter, more frequent feedings, frequent pauses to burp her during feeding, keeping her upright for 20 minutes after a feeding) weren't working.  She just started that this week, so hopefully that will help.  I'm hoping it will also help her eat longer and more comfortably so she'll put on some baby pudge.

Sleep:  Sleeps like an angel.  Really couldn't ask for a better sleeper!  We put her down for the night around 8pm.  She usually goes straight to sleep, but occasionally Bryann gets up a couple times to put her pacifier back in.  Then I dream feed her around 10pm, and she sleeps until 4am.  Then sleeps again until around 7:30am. 

Clothes/Diaper Size:  We can still squeeze her into her newborn clothes, but I think that won't last for much longer.  They're getting a bit difficult to get on.  Otherwise, she's looking good in the 0-3 month, and 3 month clothes.  Sizing is so weird...

Diet:  EBF, and we continue to have problems with bottle-feeding.  We took her to yet another lactation appointment to see if they had any new tips and tricks for us.  We've tried every bottle and nipple on the market, and nothing seems to make it go better for her.  We spent a few days "practicing" me being at work - aka only offering her the bottle during my work hours - and she took the bottle eventually.  I am leaving her with Katee for a full week next week to go back to work, so hopefully she'll take the bottle when she gets hungry enough. 

Baby Gear Love:  We are still loving the swing, MAM pacifiers, her jungle Lights and Sounds play mat, and she also really enjoys the Kick and Play piano at Katee's house.  We also had good luck at the baby consignment shop this month and found a fuzzy, warm BundleMe that fits in her carseat to keep her toasty in the car so we don't have to bundle her with clothes and blankets.  We also found a small stroller that the carseat clips into that we can keep in the car and use on last minute grocery stops, so we don't have to place the car seat precariously on the top of the shopping cart.  It's come in handy several times a week since we purchased it. 

Nicknames:  Goo Goo, Goo-ga-Moo, Stretchy Moo, (not sure where the -Moo part came from, but I say it a lot...) Little Love, Something she does excessively Monster (like Spit-up Monster, Pee Monster, Poo Monster, etc.)

Favorite Songs/Lullabies:  "Walkin' Around, Lookin' at Stuff" sung to the tune of "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree".  It goes something like this:

"Walkin around, lookin at stuff
Yeah we're lookin at all the stuff,
Walkin through the hallway and we're lookin at stuff,
Yeah we're lookin at all the stuff
Walkin past the pictures and we're lookin at stuff,
Yeah we're lookin at the pictures
Walkin to the kitchen and we're lookin at stuff,
Yeah we're lookin at all the stuff" etc. etc. etc.

When I swaddle her for naptime, I sing "Baby Burrito" to the tune of "Baby Beluga", which goes like this:

"Baby Burrito
Baby Burrito
Wrapped up nice and snug
Just like a big hug
It's time for sleeping"

Then whenenver I un-velcro her swaddle and she busts her arms up, I sing Diana Ross' "I'm comin out!  I want the world to know, I got to let it show!"

I also discovered, on a particularly cranky car trip, that she recognizes the song "Royals" by Lorde.  I expected she might while I was pregnant because it was on the radio ALL SUMMER LONG and I found myself singing it everywhere I went.
To put her to sleep, I've been singing Blackbird, Swing Low Sweet Chariot, Moon River (my new favorite), and Shenindoah (my other new favorite)

Milestones/Firsts:  Callie has found her hands this month and likes to chew on them.  She also seems to recognize familiar faces, and she will follow me around the room with her eyes.  She's also been a bit more talkitive, though I doubt her repetiore of sounds will go much beyond "Ah-Goo" and gurgles for awhile.

She had her first Halloween costume- Auntie Belinda made her a penguin suit for w&d. And she went trick-or-treating for the first time, which really means she slept in her stroller while we went around and introduced ourselves to the neighbors. 

Callie also had her first day at daycare with Katee and baby Isaac! It went better than terrible. Katee said she was able to feed her about an ounce at lunchtime, but by the next meal, Callie was screaming and wouldn't take the bottle. Bryann showed up pretty soon though and was able to get her to eat and by the time I got there, she was happily sucking her meal down. 

Likes:  Her swing, being carried around the house facing outward, baby-in-the-mirror time, "Walkin' around Lookin at Stuff" time, getting her diaper changed, her elephant rattler. 

Dislikes: Tummy time, bottle feeding, waking up from naps, getting strapped in to the car seat

Things I Don't Want to Forget:  The way she pops out of her swaddle when I un-velcro it. 

Her various stretches when she's waking up or done feeding.  I've been catching myself stretching in much the same way in the mornings, and I wonder if she gets her stretching from me?

How much being a "mom" has really taken over me this month.  I sooooo enjoy her "goo"s and smiles and laughs that I lose track of time.  I find myself gushing with love SO MUCH that I get overwhelmed with it and want to cry sometimes.  And during her 4am feedings, when I burp her and cuddle her afterwards, she's so precious in those moments that I don't want to put her down.

When I crawl back into bed after the 4am feeding and cuddle back up to Bryann, he whispers "You're amazing..." and falls back to sleep.

Bryann, while changing her diaper before a feeding, looks down at her and in his best Harry Carry voice, says "Hey! If you were a boob, would you eat yourself? Well, would you?" 

One night, when trying to get her down for the night, we made the mistake of thinking we could watch an episode of Castle before going to sleep ourselves. She refused to go to sleep for any extended period of time and was back awake and fussing every 4-5 minutes. Our 45 min episode of Castle took 2 hrs to get through because every time we'd settle back in, thinking she was finally asleep, she'd start crying again. After a certain point it became laughable. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

2 Months

Month 2 went a billion times better than Month 1!!  I feel like I'm getting the hang of this "having a baby" thing, and I'm really enjoying watching her grow and get new skillz (yes, skillz with a z because they're that awesome to watch!)  My friend Tamara had her baby girl, Hannah, on Oct 3rd, and I really truly forgot how teeny tiny my daughter used to be.  We went to visit them shortly after Hannah was born, and Bryann and I both held her and said "There's no way Callie was ever this small!" even though Callie was 6 oz. smaller when she was born!  Just goes to show you how fast they grow and you don't even notice!  As cute as she was when she was a newborn, I wouldn't trade these days for newborn days again. 

Breastfeeding is a billion times easier.  Sleep is a billion times better.  Going places produces a billion times less anxiety.  We've got this thing figured out!  I took her on a wine tasting day-trip with some girlfriends, I've taken her to book club gatherings, and dinner out with friends, and Wine & Dine parties.  We figured out the bottle feeding thing, so I can have more than 1 drink.  I started working part-time from home, and we have a pretty great routine going during the day.  Mostly the Baby Whisperer routine of Eat, Activity, Sleep, "You" time, and she does really well entertaining herself in her Pack N' Play. 

We are past the super fussy phase, and we have the 5 intervention line-up to intervene when she does get fussy.  First, give the pacifier.  Second, bounce her a bit or rock her.  Third, swaddle her up.  Fourth (if 1+2+3 doesn't work) feed her.  Fifth (and rarely needed because she zonks out with the 1+2+3 intervention) Shushing, singing, or white noise.  With these powers combined, we have a calm, quiet, often sleeping baby. 

Stats: 10 lbs. 6 oz., 22 inches long and 15 inch head size. She's dropped in percentile for height and weight, but both have dropped proportionally to each other, so the Doc said not to worry about it yet.

Health:  She has some dry skin on her face, and we saw the beginnings of "diaper rash" this month.  I'm not sure if it's "diaper rash" so much as general moisture rash in her fat folds.  Her blocked tear ducts is all cleared up though, and she spits up slightly less often than she did last month. 

Sleep:  I almost don't want to write about her sleep for fear of jinxing what we have going.  We moved her from the co-sleeper on our bed, to putting the co-sleeper in her crib in her room for her 1 month birthday present.  (More a present to us, really!)  Since then, she's been sleeping progressively longer stretches at night.  The first night we put her in her crib, she slept for a 5 hour stretch!  We both woke up in the middle of the night wondering why she hadn't cried yet, and if she was still alive!  Since then, she slept for progressively longer and longer.  She dropped the 11pm and 1 am feeding right away, then dropped the 3am feeing a few weeks later.  Now she usually falls asleep for good around 9:30, and then sleeps until about 5am.  Then she goes straight back to sleep until around 8 or 8:30am.  My sanity took a drastic change for the better once we moved her to the crib.  I'm not sure if she's really not waking up as often, or if it's because I was interpreting her sleeping grunting sounds as waking sounds, and waking her up to feed more often than she needed to. 

Getting her to bed is still kind of a struggle.  We have a bedtime routine of feeding around 7pm, then wake and play time till about 7:45, then change, swaddle, feed, story, lights out, white noise on, put in bed.  She'll sleep for about 30-40 minutes, then she'll wake up again.  Then we're in and out of her room, sticking the pacifier back in for the next 40 minutes, until she goes to sleep for good.  I do feed her again most nights between 9:30 and 10pm.  Most of the time, she's asleep and it's a nice "dream feed".

I'm not sure what to do in the meanwhile hour because 90% of what I've read says she's really not old enough to just let her cry until 3-4 months.  So I guess for the next month, we'll continue what we're doing, and hope for the best. 

Clothes/Diaper Size:  Callie is still in her Newborn or 0-3 month clothes.  Also still wearing the size 1-2 diapers from Costco.

Diet:  Exclusively breastfeeding.  We started her on a bottle at around 5 weeks to try to get her used to it (not out of necessity), and it didn't go well to start off.  Bryann took over a feeding every evening, and she cried and squirmed and fussed and got milk all over her face.  He was pretty stressed out about it.  I even tried to bottle feed her once, and I think it went worse for me.  She was looking at me like "WTF?!  I KNOW where the boob is!  Don't try to pull this shiz on me!"  It got better with more exposures, and we even got to have a "Date Night" while Reezy babysat and took over a feeding!! 

Baby Gear Love:  We've been using the BabyErgo every time we take her out to places.  It is the most amazing contraption EVER!  Also, we've really enjoyed the Bob stroller.  It's been a very strange Indian Summer (still sunny and low 60's) so we've been going on lots of walks around the neighborhood and to Cook Park down the river trail. 

The Pack N' Play has been used on a daily basis, as has her baby papasan (not sure what else to call it... It's a floor seat that bounces and vibrates and has dangling birds for her to goo at) as places to put her where she can entertain herself for a few minutes if we're busy doing something.  She's also been napping well in her swing

Nicknames:  Goo Goo, Callie Bear, Callie Flower, Callie Lily, Stretchy Moo, Fussy Wussy.  Reezy's favorites are Gal Pal Cal and Dumple Bumple

Favorite Songs/Lullabyes:  Blackbird, Die Nachtigal (The Nightingale), Dona Nobis Pachem, Swing Low Sweet Chariot, multiple and varying versions of "Good Morning to You".  I tried to change it up a little bit this month.

Milestones/Firsts:  Calista started social smiling this month, which is the best thing ever to see!  She's also started speaking, saying highly sophisticated things like "Goo", "Goo Goo", "Ooh", and "Gah".  Callie's also getting a bit more physical.  I caught her rolled over on her side twice, and she's extending her legs and kicking with a good amount of pressure.  She also has more control of her head and can *almost* keep it upright when we've got her balanced. 

Likes:  Watching her bears on the mobile in the Pack 'N Play.  Watching the birds in her swing and baby papasan.  Talking.  Going on tours around the house and looking at stuff.  Bath time. Getting kisses.

Dislikes:  Being cold and wet after a bath, having clothes put on her 

Things I Don't Want to Forget:  Most of my "Don't want to forget" moments are watching Bryann and Callie together.  He's so wonderful with her and he loves her SOOOO much!  He makes goofy faces, or says ridiculous things in baby talk, and I've even caught him SINGING!  *GASP*  Some things in particular though:

Her first night in her crib, we went a little overboard in taking precautions to make the transition smooth. To make it as familiar an environment as possible, we put her in her co-sleeper in her crib, a smelly tshirt underneath her, on top of her, and hanging on the crib rail behind her.

When the Braves lost the playoff series against the Dodgers, Bryann was heartbroken.  But when he picked up Callie and she smiled at him, he told her she just made it all better.  My heart burst.  <3

We were watching an episode of HIMYM on TV where Robin and Barney get engaged, and Bryann starts tearing up a little bit - I thought at how cute the scene was - but then he said "I don't want to give Callie away at her wedding!"  I also pointed out a cute scene in a commercial between a dad and his daughter and told Bryann he missed it.  He said he looked away on purpose so he wouldn't cry. 

Meeting her BFF Hannah for the first time!

First bath without screaming!

Playing with her BFF Clara

Her many Patriots outfits, as picked out by Bryann

Snoozing away in her baby papasan

Some baby laughs!

Her Halloween costume made by Auntie Belinda.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Calista's Birth Story

I'm already starting to forget the details of Calista's birth, so I need to get this down before all I can remember is "I went in, got the drugs, pushed the baby out"!  Hold on to your hats, because it's a long story!

My OB had been telling me for over two weeks that Callie could come any day because I'd been having really frequent and regular Braxton Hicks contractions.  I even got one of those timer apps because they were so close together, I was sure they would turn into labor contractions at any minute.  I suppose I was hoping that if I timed them, and if they consistently lasted for 1 minute, 5 minutes apart, for an hour, that by sheer force of will, they WOULD turn into labor contractions.  The point is, we were on high alert for over two weeks.  My mom stayed in Portland so she would be here just in case.  We ended up just sitting around staring at each other waiting for me to go into labor.

The morning I finally DID go into labor, I had some of the symptoms I'd been reading about.  I was pretty sure I had been losing my mucous plug over the past 2 days, I had some bloody show that morning, and I was having the menstrual cramping feeling I'd read about.  I still had contractions for most of the day, but they finally started to feel slightly different around 3pm when Bryann got home from work.  I told him what I'd been feeling and he suggested we go to the mall to walk around a bit and see if they got any worse.  I also decided to take a shower just in case I was in early labor and I wouldn't get another chance to shower for a few days.  (One of the better ideas of my life!)

We went to the mall, walked around a bunch, then went to Bridgeport and walked around a bunch, then came home and ate dinner (big'll see why later...) then walked around the neighborhood a bunch.  From about 4:00-9:00 I was having frequent, consistent contractions that were gradually getting harder to deal with.  Not painful yet, but harder to breathe through and definitely made me stop and grab Bryann's shoulder.  By 9:00, I called L&D at the hospital and told them I thought I might be in labor but wasn't sure and they said that since it was still early-ish, why don't I come in and get checked and if I was indeed in labor, they could admit me before it got too late at night and the hospital got less accessible.

So in we went!  I walked in laughing and in good spirits, still having contractions, joking with the nurses.  Our nurse measured me at 3cm dilated and told us to walk around the floor for an hour, and if I made progress, they would admit me.  Around the floor we walked, and BOY did those contractions get WAY worse WAY fast.  We walked around from 10pm-11pm and by the end of that hour, I thought I was going to die or pass out or some act of God would prevent me from having to experience any more of that pain.  I measured at 4cm, they admitted me, and I continued to labor naturally in our room, on a bouncy ball for another hour when I asked to try the fentanyl to manage the pain.  I guess by all appearances, I was handling the contractions pretty well with my breathing because the nurse commented on my high pain tolerance, but I was honestly thinking "kill me now.  Just put me out of my misery.  I can't do this anymore."  Unfortunately, the dose of the fentanyl didn't do a damn thing, and I asked for the epidural.  I had made it as long as I could tolerate, and I didn't think I could mentally endure the pain for the next 12 hours or however long it was going to be until I birthed that baby.  I appologized to Bryann because I told him I would try to do this birthing thing naturally, but by that point, he didn't care anymore.  He saw how much pain I was in, and he was exhausted.  He jokingly asked if me getting an epidural meant that he got to go to sleep.  hahaha

The nurse anesthetist was amazing, and put in the epidural pretty painlessly.  The hardest thing was trying to hold still through a contraction while she threaded the needle into my spinal cavity.  She had to do the epidural twice because it wasn't quite numbing my legs the way it was supposed to the first time, but by then it was no biggie and I was well on my way to being comfortable again.  Once the epidural was in and it had begun to take effect, it was about 2:30am.  They laid me down in bed, which unfortunately triggered the heartburn I'd been having all pregnancy, and since I couldn't sit up and burp, I ended up vomitting up my dinner (shouldn't have had that last Oreo...) and then an hour later, whatever remnants remained in my stomach, until they put some Pepcid in my IV.  After that, it was happy town!!  Bryann passed out on the couch, and I got to doze off for 30 minutes at a time until the blood pressure cuff went off, or the nurse came in to check on me.

At 6am, the nurse came in to check my progress.  I was at 6cm and during the exam, my water broke.  The nurse said there was some slight discoloration and it was possible that the baby had passed some meconium while in there, but that it wasn't a concern at that point since I was progressing fairly quickly and there wasn't enough discoloration to cause concern.  Bryann woke up when my OB came in around 7:30am to do an exam.  I was still at 6cm but she said she could easily stretch it to 7cm.  She said I was progressing excellently, and I would probably have the baby some time that afternoon or evening.  She asked the nurse to do another check at 10am and to call her with updates.  As soon as I was ready, she would come back in to deliver the baby.  Bryann called my mom to give her the news, and mom showed up at the hospital around 10am.  We spent the morning dozing in and out of sleep, and watching reruns of Frasier and Will & Grace while I labored away painlessly and blissfully.

By 11:30 or so, I was feeling a lot more pressure on my pelvic floor during contractions than I had previously, and I mentioned this offhandedly to the nurse, and also that I had felt the urge to push a few .  She waited to check me until 11:50 and said "Welp! Better call your doctor and get her down here immediately!  Baby is coming!"  My OB showed up at 12:20 and they got me in a better position to push.  I had a moment of panic where I thought "Wait!  I'm really going to have a baby soon?  You're going to let ME have a baby?!"  I had had such an easy, relaxing, enjoyable morning, it seemed like things had gone a little TOO easy after the epidural went in.  I was waiting for something dramatic to happen to make me feel like the time had come.  I'm guessing that's why people like to labor naturally?  Anyway, they brought in a mirror so I could watch the baby's progress and get all motivated to push her out, and we started the birthing process.  It was so relaxed and nonchalant.  I waited for a contraction, then pushed real hard, 3 times, for 10 seconds each, until the contraction was over.  I pushed for maybe half an hour, through probably 6 contractions, and then Callie was born!  I wasn't sure about the mirror, but I'm glad I watched.  As soon as I saw her head crown, I got REAL motivated to meet her and gave it my darnedest until her head emerged all the way.  The doc told me to look down instead of at the mirror, so I could watch her come out.  The doc also told me ease up on the pushing once her head was out.  It was just one more push, some twisting and she slid right out at 12:52pm!

Once she was out though, things went a bit down hill.  She ended up coming out with the umbilical cord wrapped around her, and she had swallowed some amniotic fluid, so as soon as she came out, I got to say "Hi" real quickly, Bryann cut her umbilical cord, then the Respiratory Therapy team took her to a table and had to pump her lungs and resuscitate her.  I had also torn pretty badly, so they had to find a surgeon to come in and stitch me back up.  Bryann unfortunately had a better angle downwards than I did, and said there was a looooooooot of blood.  I think he got a little overwhelmed, woozy, and scared for my safety there was so much blood.  And while they were stitching me up, they still had Calista on the RT table working on her and no one was really talking to us.  They were pretty focused getting her breathing and getting me to stop bleeding, and at the time I was pretty worried she wasn't going to make it.  I was gripping Bryann's hand and glancing nervously at him.  She started breathing again just fine though, and they let me hold her again for a few minutes before they took her down to the nursery for 4 hrs of protocol observation and to get shots and meds and stuff.

Bryann went with Callie down to the nursery while my mom stayed in the room with me while the surgeon and my OB stitched me back up.  Bryann brought back pictures and a video of our new baby girl, and then went back to the nursery to keep her company.  I was stuck in the L&D room for another 2 hours until the epidural wore off enough for me to get from the bed to a wheel chair, so I could go down to the nursery.  I finally got to go down to see her around 3:00.  I got to nurse her, and hold her, and just hang out talking to her for about half an hour before they took me down to our recovery room.  It wasn't long afterward they brought her in the recovery room with us to stay.

The next two days in the hospital are kind of a blur.  We stayed two nights after the birth, and had a whirlwind of friends and family come visit us in the hospital.  The first night, Calista slept in the room with us, and Bryann was up (since I couldn't stand up unassisted) at EVERY noise making sure she wasn't choking on her tongue, or that she was still breathing.  The 2nd night we had her stay in the nursery from 9-12 so we could sleep more soundly, but after they brought her back in to eat, she went right back to sleep and we were much less worried.  Since I couldn't really move, Bryann did all the diaper changing, swaddling, and moving the baby, and became a pro by the time we left.  I didn't change her diaper until we'd made it home!

After the birth and after the epidural wore off, I was in quite a bit of pain.  I was hopped up on Oxycodone and Ibuprofen, and could barely move let alone stand up and walk to the bathroom.  It took at least another 6 hours before the epidural completely wore off and I could stand and walk on my own, and even then, I was still in a lot of pain from the tear.  I remember saying at the time though that I would take that pain than my contractions pain any day of the week!  And if I had to do it all over again, I would have made the same decisions.  Bryann thinks it was good that I labored naturally for as long as I did because he suspects that's what got my progress moving so well and let it continue to progress quickly over the next 11 hours after I got the epidural.  I'm frankly amazed I was able to have a spontaneous vaginal birth at all.  I'm a pretty petite person, and I don't have any hips to speak of, and my mom had a c-section with both me and my brother, so I didn't think there was any WAY I'd be able to have a natural birth.  But the human body is a crazy amazing thing!

Callie's birth wasn't IDEAL, but it was pretty darn awesome, and I'm even willing to go through it all again for kid #2 some day.  I'm glad I went in with an open mind about how the process could go.  I think aside from her having to be resuscitated and taken to the nursery right away rather than get the skin-to-skin time I wanted, the whole birth went pretty spectacularly.  I remember marveling that I was just laying around, watching Will & Grace, glancing at the monitor every now and then - watching my contractions come and go - that pretty soon we'd have a baby and how easy and enjoyable all of that was.  I hope for a similar experience the next time around.

The monitor showing my contraction spacing at the bottom

Friday, September 27, 2013

1 Month

Calista turned 1 month old last Friday, and I *almost* can't believe where the time has gone!  The top 2 things people told me when I was pregnant was that 1- my life was changing forever and 2- they grow up so fast, so treasure each moment.  I got REAL tired of hearing those clips real fast, but they're both hugely true.  It's been a bit hard to treasure EACH moment, especially during the first few weeks, but I've been doing my darndest to take mental pictures of the moments when Callie is so unbelievably precious, I fall more deeply in love with her.  I know eventually I am going to miss the days when she was super tiny and slept all the time, but I'm really enjoying where we are now.

Since I know these days are precious and fleeting, I'm going to blog about each month of her first year (and possibly beyond).  Some of the things fellow mommy bloggers out there on the internets have suggested posting about include the following:
Weight, Height, Health, Sleep, Clothes/Diapers (Sizes), Diet, Baby Gear Love, Nicknames, Milestones/Firsts, Likes, Dislikes, Things I Don't Want to Forget  
Stats:  Callie was 8 lbs. 3oz., and 21 inches when she was 2 weeks 5 days old.  I need to figure out a better measurement method because we don't have another doctor's appointment until the end of October!  She's gaining weight and getting bigger though.

Health:  She's had a blocked tear duct that comes and goes since a few days after we brought her home, which we treat by putting a warm washcloth on when she's sleeping.  She's also been pretty gassy, which we manage with gas drops.  And she spits up after almost every meal, so we try to keep her upright for 10 minutes or so after eating and always carry a burp cloth!

Sleep:  The first night we brought her home, we didn't get any sleep at all.  She was up screaming, wanting to nurse until 4am, when I finally just laid down with her, let her nurse, and we both fell asleep.  I felt like the worst mom in the world because I had broken the cardinal rule of "back to sleep" AND I supposedly endangered her life by falling asleep with her next to me, but we were kind of at wits end by that point.

That was the worst of it.  For the first two weeks, she was up every 2 hours to eat, then by week 3, up every 2.5-3 hrs with MAYBE one 4-hr stretch here and there.  She was also sleeping in her co-sleeper next to me on our bed until her 1-month birthday.  Then we put her in the crib.  More on that next month!  I was a bit crazy those first two weeks.  After I got used to the sleep deprivation, it got a little easier to deal with.  In the earliest days, she was bright eyed and bushy tailed in the wee small hours of the morning.  I just considered it a win if she went straight back to sleep after eating.  It took 2-3 weeks to get her adjusted to being awake during the day and sleeping at night.

Clothes/Diaper size: Calista is wearing the size 1/2 diaper from Costco and still fits in all of her newborn clothes, with the exception of 2 footie pajamas Babies R Us brand.  Apparently those are super tiny.  Gerber and Carter newborn clothes fit best.  Cherokee newborn clothes are still too big!

Diet: Exclusively breastfeeding.  I started to pump at 3 weeks, so I've been working on building up a supply so we can have a night on the town, or I can have 2 drinks instead of one, or Bryann can take over a feeding.

Baby Gear Love: Both Bryann and I get good use out of the ErgoBaby with the infant insert.  We've both worn her in the Moby wrap, too, but the Ergo is soooooo much easier to get on and feels more supportive, too.  It was a spendy item, but worth the $$!!

We also couldn't live without the SwaddleMe blankets because she managed to houdini her way out of the blanket swaddles.  We put her in it to sleep at night, and also whenever she's fussy during the day.  As soon as she's swaddled, she calms right down.

Pacifiers...  The pacifier went in her mouth after the marathon nursing session on night three, even though every book and website says to wait until 3-4 weeks.  She has a very strong sucking reflex and I couldn't be held hostage for another night of nursing.  We call it "the plug".  When she's super fussy, we swaddle her and put "the plug" in, and she calms right down and usually falls asleep.

Callie also started to nap in her gigantor swing.  She even tolerates it when she's awake which is a lifesaver for me when I'm home alone and I just need to put her down for a few minutes.

Lastly, she's slept very well in her co-sleeper.  We had it on our bed for the first month, and we just transitioned her to her crib for her 1-month birthday (more on that next month,) but we still keep her in the co-sleeper in her crib.

Nicknames: (This is a dangerous category, because with me, the possibilities are endless)  Baby, Wiggle Worm, Baby Bird, Fussy Face, Stretchy Face, Stretchy Moo (she stretches a lot!)

Favorite Songs/Lullabies: Nothing's Gonna Harm You, Baby Mine, Enter Sandman, and a few personalized ones such as Baby Burrito and Burp it Out. 

Milestones/Firsts:  Makes eye contact, opens her hands and stretches out her fingers, lifts her head up and turns it from one side to the other (sometimes she appears to be trying to fling her head off of her body,) and I THINK we're starting to see some social smiles!

She also attended her first book club meeting with the girls, her first Wine & Dine with the group of friends that is practically family, and made her first batch of beer with her Daddy - a pumpkin spice Ale that Bryann called "PumCallie Ale"! 
Likes: Being held, being swaddled, rocking, bouncing, being sung to

Dislikes: Having clothes put on or taken off her, being put down if she's not TOTALLY asleep

Things I don't want to forget:  She does this stretching thing when she's done eating or when she's just waking up that just kills me.  It's hard to describe her face, but she's done it since day 1.  She purses her lips, furrows her brow, throws her head back and arches her back, and brings both fists up to just under her chin with her elbows straight out.  I need to try to get a picture of it someday.  It's the most adorable thing I've ever seen.

I also don't want to forget how it feels to hold her while she's sleeping, with her face against my chest, or nestled in my elbow crook.  She's so precious, and content in those moments.

And the bonus category for the first month post only...
Things I'll need to forget before I have another baby:  The week where my hormones went crazy and I cried several times a day, every day, or the way it feels to only ever sleep an hour at a time, or the frustration at wanting to go back to sleep SOOOO badly at 4 am, but Calista just wants to be awake and social, or trying to get her to stop crying after 3 straight hours of her fussing. Or how difficult breastfeeding was for the first 2-3 weeks, dealing with tight latch, bleeding nipples, and mastitis.

So far I have no regrets though. We muddled our way through, and it got better just like everyone promised it would. The moments of cuteness and the smiles we're starting to see make it aaaallll worth it.

More pictures to come!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Week 39

"It's the FI-NAL COUNTDOWN *na-na-nah nah... nuh-nuh-na-na-nah*"

T-1 week to go!  But really, Baby T could come any day now.  We had an OB appointment yesterday and my OB thinks she'll make her debut in the next couple of days.  I've been having pretty regular contractions for several hours at a time, for several days this week.  Plus some of the usual pains of baby dropping and bouncing her head on my cervix (not an awesome feeling, btw) and hip ligaments stretching getting ready for the big day (also not an awesome feeling).  I've been feeling way more tired than usual, and moving around is getting difficult.  Even finding a comfortable sitting position is hard.  This last week, I'm sorry to say, has been a week completely devoid of house projects and mostly filled with me taking afternoon naps and watching marathon sessions of "The Good Wife" splayed out on the bed with a pillow propping up my belly.  Thank goodness some friends came over on Sunday to help finish up the nursery and kick my ass and force me to pack my hospital bag, otherwise I'm sure it would never have gotten done this week.  This was also my last week teaching classes, so until the baby comes, I'll be working from home.

While at our appointment on Thursday, we also talked with my OB pretty extensively about our "birth plan" because we keep hearing about it and we have been asked by quite a few people if we've made one yet, and/or what our birth plan is.  I haven't been particularly moved to create a birth plan because 1) I know that these things rarely go according to plan, and I'm suspicious that if I made a plan, Murhphy's law would kick in and everything would happen the opposite way, and 2) because I'm familiar with Providence's common practices in the L&D unit, and know that they're already going to do the things I actually care about (like NOT using forceps, starting pain management options from least debilitating first, C-section as a last resort, putting the baby on me skin-to-skin when she's born, letting the umbilical cord finish pulsing before it's cut).  The rest I don't really have strong feelings about.  As far as the epidural is concerned, I'm just going to see how it goes.

What Baby T has been up to this week:
  • Callie should be measuring somewhere around 7lbs and 20 inches long - the size of a mini-watermelon.
  • She continues to build those layers of baby fat to help control her body temperature and insulate her.
Pregnancy symptoms this week include:
  • Contractions - when regular are anywhere between 10 and 20 minutes apart, last for about a minute, and continue on for a few hours.  They haven't been painful yet, so that's how I know true labor hasn't started when I'm having them.
  • Hip ligament pains
  • Fatigue
  • Heartburn
What I miss/What I'm looking forward to:
  • I miss normal body functions, moving around with ease, cuddling with Bryann, being comfortable
  • I'm looking forward to all the popcicles and milkshakes I want while I'm in the hospital!
  • Also looking forward to meeting this little girl squirming around inside me.  :-)
Finished nursery!!  East wall
North wall
South wall
West wall
Birthday pool
Kitty has dibs on the nursing rocking chair...