Health: Her reflux has gotten way worse this month, and I finally took her in to a new Pediatrician to see if we could get her on some baby Pepcid since the other interventions (shorter, more frequent feedings, frequent pauses to burp her during feeding, keeping her upright for 20 minutes after a feeding) weren't working. She just started that this week, so hopefully that will help. I'm hoping it will also help her eat longer and more comfortably so she'll put on some baby pudge.
Sleep: Sleeps like an angel. Really couldn't ask for a better sleeper! We put her down for the night around 8pm. She usually goes straight to sleep, but occasionally Bryann gets up a couple times to put her pacifier back in. Then I dream feed her around 10pm, and she sleeps until 4am. Then sleeps again until around 7:30am.
Clothes/Diaper Size: We can still squeeze her into her newborn clothes, but I think that won't last for much longer. They're getting a bit difficult to get on. Otherwise, she's looking good in the 0-3 month, and 3 month clothes. Sizing is so weird...
Diet: EBF, and we continue to have problems with bottle-feeding. We took her to yet another lactation appointment to see if they had any new tips and tricks for us. We've tried every bottle and nipple on the market, and nothing seems to make it go better for her. We spent a few days "practicing" me being at work - aka only offering her the bottle during my work hours - and she took the bottle eventually. I am leaving her with Katee for a full week next week to go back to work, so hopefully she'll take the bottle when she gets hungry enough.
Baby Gear Love: We are still loving the swing, MAM pacifiers, her jungle Lights and Sounds play mat, and she also really enjoys the Kick and Play piano at Katee's house. We also had good luck at the baby consignment shop this month and found a fuzzy, warm BundleMe that fits in her carseat to keep her toasty in the car so we don't have to bundle her with clothes and blankets. We also found a small stroller that the carseat clips into that we can keep in the car and use on last minute grocery stops, so we don't have to place the car seat precariously on the top of the shopping cart. It's come in handy several times a week since we purchased it.
Nicknames: Goo Goo, Goo-ga-Moo, Stretchy Moo, (not sure where the -Moo part came from, but I say it a lot...) Little Love, Something she does excessively Monster (like Spit-up Monster, Pee Monster, Poo Monster, etc.)
Favorite Songs/Lullabies: "Walkin' Around, Lookin' at Stuff" sung to the tune of "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree". It goes something like this:
"Walkin around, lookin at stuff
Yeah we're lookin at all the stuff,
Walkin through the hallway and we're lookin at stuff,
Yeah we're lookin at all the stuff
Walkin past the pictures and we're lookin at stuff,
Yeah we're lookin at the pictures
Walkin to the kitchen and we're lookin at stuff,
Yeah we're lookin at all the stuff" etc. etc. etc.
When I swaddle her for naptime, I sing "Baby Burrito" to the tune of "Baby Beluga", which goes like this:
"Baby Burrito
Baby Burrito
Wrapped up nice and snug
Just like a big hug
It's time for sleeping"
Then whenenver I un-velcro her swaddle and she busts her arms up, I sing Diana Ross' "I'm comin out! I want the world to know, I got to let it show!"
I also discovered, on a particularly cranky car trip, that she recognizes the song "Royals" by Lorde. I expected she might while I was pregnant because it was on the radio ALL SUMMER LONG and I found myself singing it everywhere I went.
To put her to sleep, I've been singing Blackbird, Swing Low Sweet Chariot, Moon River (my new favorite), and Shenindoah (my other new favorite)
Milestones/Firsts: Callie has found her hands this month and likes to chew on them. She also seems to recognize familiar faces, and she will follow me around the room with her eyes. She's also been a bit more talkitive, though I doubt her repetiore of sounds will go much beyond "Ah-Goo" and gurgles for awhile.
She had her first Halloween costume- Auntie Belinda made her a penguin suit for w&d. And she went trick-or-treating for the first time, which really means she slept in her stroller while we went around and introduced ourselves to the neighbors.
Callie also had her first day at daycare with Katee and baby Isaac! It went better than terrible. Katee said she was able to feed her about an ounce at lunchtime, but by the next meal, Callie was screaming and wouldn't take the bottle. Bryann showed up pretty soon though and was able to get her to eat and by the time I got there, she was happily sucking her meal down.
Likes: Her swing, being carried around the house facing outward, baby-in-the-mirror time, "Walkin' around Lookin at Stuff" time, getting her diaper changed, her elephant rattler.
Dislikes: Tummy time, bottle feeding, waking up from naps, getting strapped in to the car seat
Things I Don't Want to Forget: The way she pops out of her swaddle when I un-velcro it.
Her various stretches when she's waking up or done feeding. I've been catching myself stretching in much the same way in the mornings, and I wonder if she gets her stretching from me?
How much being a "mom" has really taken over me this month. I sooooo enjoy her "goo"s and smiles and laughs that I lose track of time. I find myself gushing with love SO MUCH that I get overwhelmed with it and want to cry sometimes. And during her 4am feedings, when I burp her and cuddle her afterwards, she's so precious in those moments that I don't want to put her down.
When I crawl back into bed after the 4am feeding and cuddle back up to Bryann, he whispers "You're amazing..." and falls back to sleep.
Likes: Her swing, being carried around the house facing outward, baby-in-the-mirror time, "Walkin' around Lookin at Stuff" time, getting her diaper changed, her elephant rattler.
Dislikes: Tummy time, bottle feeding, waking up from naps, getting strapped in to the car seat
Things I Don't Want to Forget: The way she pops out of her swaddle when I un-velcro it.
Her various stretches when she's waking up or done feeding. I've been catching myself stretching in much the same way in the mornings, and I wonder if she gets her stretching from me?
How much being a "mom" has really taken over me this month. I sooooo enjoy her "goo"s and smiles and laughs that I lose track of time. I find myself gushing with love SO MUCH that I get overwhelmed with it and want to cry sometimes. And during her 4am feedings, when I burp her and cuddle her afterwards, she's so precious in those moments that I don't want to put her down.
When I crawl back into bed after the 4am feeding and cuddle back up to Bryann, he whispers "You're amazing..." and falls back to sleep.
Bryann, while changing her diaper before a feeding, looks down at her and in his best Harry Carry voice, says "Hey! If you were a boob, would you eat yourself? Well, would you?"
One night, when trying to get her down for the night, we made the mistake of thinking we could watch an episode of Castle before going to sleep ourselves. She refused to go to sleep for any extended period of time and was back awake and fussing every 4-5 minutes. Our 45 min episode of Castle took 2 hrs to get through because every time we'd settle back in, thinking she was finally asleep, she'd start crying again. After a certain point it became laughable.