Meandering (Wide)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Week 12

So I think the answer to Week 10's question was that I was just getting fat.  The bump that I thought was a baby bump is no longer there, so I'm saying it was a bloating bump instead.  This week has gone by so quickly, and smoothly.  I've told everyone at work now, and they are all super excited and very supportive.  I feel a bit silly for worrying at all that I was going to have to quit my job or I would be forced out if I couldn't travel.  They actually said they really value me, and are giving me more responsibility.  I'm going to be in charge of scheduling the whole team, and I'm going to be lead CT (Credentialed Trainer) when a PT (Principaled Trainer) is not around.  I'm so relieved that things are going to be ok with my job.

In other news, I'm at 12 weeks which officially ends the first trimester.  Though if we're being mathematically fair, it should be 13 weeks, so I'm not sure which genius did the calculations there.  But this means that I'm mostly out of the "danger zone" of miscarriage, and I'm feeling more comfortable with this newfangled state of being.

I'm constantly blown away at the baby's growth.  Not just the rate of growth, but the fact that the baby is basically growing itself!  If I had to be in charge of making sure the baby had all the right organs, limps, ligments, blood vessels, joints, etc. it would be a disaster of the FUBAR degree.  It's just so crazy to think that there is another person growing inside me right now.  I wish I had the words...  Anyway, on to the good stuff!

What Baby T has been up to this week:  

  • Ok so one minute I look and my app says baby is the size of a lime. The next minute it says it's the size of a large plum.  My OB said baby was the size of a large green grape.  I have no idea what the truth is anymore!
  • Most bodily structures and systems are finished forming
  • Baby is starting to flex it's digestive muscles - which I can only assume means it's practicing pooping...
  • Baby's pituitary gland is producing hormones and the bone marrow is producing white blood cells
  • Fingers and toes are starting to open, close, and curl, and eyes are starting to squinch

Pregnancy symptoms include:

  • The usual: digestive complications, mild nausea in the mornings, food aversions
  • Headaches
  • Frequent trips to the bathroom

This week I love to eat:

  • Smoothies
  • Fruit
  • Cheese
  • Taco Bell.  Specifically the Beefy 7 Layer Burrito. MMMM-mmmm!  
  • Cap'n Crunch with Crunchberries

This week, I feel nauseous at the thought of: 

  • Chicken
  • Chili - but that may be because I ate chili for too many days in a row after the Super Bowl
  • Salad


  1. Technically, your body is growing it by providing the supplies. So YOU are growing a baby. The DNA is, you know, just orchestrating said growing. I think it's crazy amazing, too.

  2. And you were worried about how it would affect your work situation... we all knew that you are valued! Can't wait to read your posts as time goes on. Mom

  3. Thanks, mom! Sorry to flood your inbox with all of my posts. I'd been writing them and saving until I was in the safety zone.

  4. Yay, I'm glad blog has morphed into baby blog :-) Love the updates and look forward to seeing your tummy grow in the weeks ahead!

  5. Yay, I'm glad blog has morphed into baby blog :-) Love the updates and look forward to seeing your tummy grow in the weeks ahead!
