Bryann is a little bummed that he has been gone all week for a business trip and missed Baby T moving for the first time - well, I guess Baby T has been moving all along, but I've just noticed it this week - but I keep reassuring him that I can't feel anything with my hand on the outside yet so he's not really missing anything. Just my excited smiles when I feel it. But I've been texting him every time I feel the baby move, and I think that's been a good second to actually being here.
I've been trying to stay in shape. Annie and I went to water aerobics on Monday, and we did her prenatal yoga video on Wednesday. I continue to take the stairs whenever possible and walk a lot. I went for a walk with Sam yesterday and was really tired after like 5 blocks, which I'm blaming on my super low blood pressure and not me being out of shape. :-P
A slightly funny, yet maddening story, about my increasing size... I was co-teaching with a co-worker, Shayn. who hadn't seen me for a few weeks, and my other co-worker, Linda asked how the pregnancy was going. Shayn exclaimed "Oh, I didn't know you were pregnant! No wonder you've been gaining weight. I didn't remember you being so thick!" I laughed, but really I wanted to cry and punch him in the face. I'm looking forward to LOOKING pregnant and not getting THAT reaction anymore.
We heard back from Sue about the house in Tigard, and the seller accepted our initial offer! So we potentially have a new house, as long as our house sells, and as long as the seller of the new house doesn't sell it to someone else before we sell our house and remove the contingency from our offer. It's definitely too early to get TOO terribly excited, but it's a good first step! We may be listing our house for sale next Friday, so hopefully things move quickly and easily.
What Baby T has been up to this week:
- Baby T is the size of a bell pepper at 5.5 inches and 6 ounces.
- Baby is practicing yawning and hiccuping, and flexing its arms and legs.
- Baby is now strong enough that I can feel its movements!! :-D
- Baby now has fingerprints, and ears are fully in place, and myelin sheaths are forming a protective later around nerves throughout the body.
Pregnancy symptoms include:
- AM nausea
- Headaches - still need to schedule that massage....
- Fatigue in the evenings and breathlessness when walking up stairs
Food cravings/aversions
- The usual likes: fruit, oatmeal, crackers & cheese, cheese, french fries
- I'm ok with salads for the most part
- Still not sure about chicken. Bryann is really hoping this goes away soon...
- Had a weird episode with Pad Thai. I had some last Friday, but then when I tried to eat the leftovers, the smell made me gag.
What I miss:
- Having energy and motivation to do things like clean, or stay awake past 8:00 at night
- Beer
What I'm looking forward to:
- My ultrasound on Monday!!! And my OB appointment next week.
- Being able to feel the baby move from the outside of my belly so Bryann can experience what I can.
- Wine & dine on Saturday - Annie is plotting to have tasty drinks for us non-pregnant people
- Book club on Wednesday. Hanging out with the girls, and revealing the sex of the baby!
Myelination is hard work! Also, myelin is basically fat, so make sure there is some of that in your diet. :)