I'm looking forward to going to San Francisco this weekend to see some of the Braves games, see Bryann's family, see Lucas again, and do a roadtrip with my sweetie. :-)
What Baby T has been up to this week:
- Baby weighs about 1 1/2 pounds, and meaures 13.5 inches - the size of a rutabaga. As a side note, I'm glad she has a name now, and we don't have to call her "Lil' Rutabaga"!
- Callie is starting to fatten up, lose some of her wrinkes, and grow some hair on her head! I think it's funny how some babies come out completely bald and some with a complete head of hair. We'll have no way of knowing what Callie will look like until she's out.
- My uterus is apparently the size of a soccer ball. Which seems about right when I look down at my belly and feel how full everything is in there.
Pregnancy symptoms this week include:
- Still no morning sickness. AND no nausea of any kind. But I haven't been around any weird smells to trigger nausea, but I'm still thinking it's all finished.
What I miss/What I'm looking forward to:
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