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16 month photo... because I'm a slacker and didn't get her 15 month photo in time... |
Since the changes aren't coming quite as fast and furious as they did during her first year, I'm going to update every 3 months or so. However, we've seen SO much developmental growth these past few months, it will be hard to document everything!
Stats: Callie now weighs 19 lbs 2 oz (6th percentile), is 29.75" long (31st percentile) and her head is 18" in circumference (49th percentile). I was disappointed that her weight percentile dropped from her 12 month visit, but our pediatrician says that happens a lot when they learn to walk and become more mobile. At least she's still gaining weight, following her growth curve, and hitting her developmental milestones. When we went in for our 15 month visit, the MA and the Pediatrician were both impressed by her vocabulary! My girl IS a talker!
Health: Callie has caught a few colds here and there over the past 3 months. Just a few sniffles, a bit of a cough every now and then. Nothing serious, and nothing I've ever called the RN line about.
We held off until her 15 month visit to try giving her peanut butter since I didn't want to deal with an anaphylaxis reaction at home. So I gave her a few crackers smothered in peanut butter while we were in the waiting room, she gobbled them down, and she didn't have any reaction! Thank goodness. Being able to give her peanut butter sandwiches will make lunch time so much easier!
Sleep: Damn, it feels good to have a 1-year old! Calista sleeps beautifully. She is still taking 2 naps a day for between an hour and two hours, although I suspect she's working on phasing out the morning nap. She goes down for bed around 7pm, and wakes up around 7am. Sometimes she'll wake up at 5am, but we usually go in and give her a bottle and she goes right back to sleep. When she's teething, she'll wake up earlier in the night (10 or 11pm) crying but she goes back down pretty easily with a bottle and "Goodnight Moon" recited to her.
Clothes/Diaper Size: I know I said I'd get rid of clothes that were 6 months too young, but we are still using 9 month onesies...! But we are also using 12 month onsies and shirts and ONLY using 12 month pants. We just recently bought her an 18 month winter jacket, and it's only slightly too big for her. I think she'll be in size 3 diapers for quite a while to come.
Diet: Calista is a great eater for the most part. She usually eats what we're having for meals, or she at least tries the food we give her. I always put at least one thing on her plate that I KNOW she'll eat, just in case she decides that our dinner is not to her taste yet. Her favorite foods are banana, frozen peas and corn, fresh diced tomatoes, cheese, ritz crackers and goldfish, and any sort of pasta with cheese or tomato-based sauces. She always gets some sort of fruit or berry for desert and even when she says "All done", when I put the berries on her tray, she gobbles them up and asks for more. Callie likes to use utensils to eat, and especially likes to use a spoon to eat yogurt with.
Baby Gear Love: The Ergo continues to be a sanity-saver. I still use it when we go places she can't walk around (like the home-brew store, or out wine tasting) and she does very well in it, which is surprising to me considering her desire to explore and be free. I'm also quite happy that we purchased a travel/collapsible high chair a few months ago. We've been able to use that at friend's houses for dinner, out camping or at picnic tables, at the beach house, and at restaurants. I would put it on a list of Must-Have items for any baby registry.
Nicknames: Callie-bear, Callie-bug, Baby Boo, Boo-Boo, Boo-Boo Bear, and variations thereafter
Favorite Songs/Lullabies: She loves all music, all the time. We have several toys that play music or sing songs and she knows how to push the buttons to get the toys to sing. She even knows which button to push on my keyboard to get the demo song "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" to play.
Milestones/Firsts: She had only her 2 bottom teeth when she turned 1, but she has sprouted 9 more teeth in the past three months (four of which have come through in the past 2 weeks alone). We are calling this Teethvember!
Callie learned to walk just before the 13 month mark. She had been taking 2 or 3 wobbly steps at a time before lowering herself down and crawling the rest of the way for a few weeks. But with some practice and encouragement walking between mommy and daddy at the beach house, we got to see her and record her taking her first walk across the room! After that, she seemed completely steady and confident. She never toppled over and banged her head on the ground or on furniture. Callie has always been a very physically cautious child, and it seemed like if she sensed she was in danger of falling, she would just bend down instead.
We've seen a lot of other motor-skill development as well. She's been able to bend down and pick up a toy for awhile now, as well as pass a toy between both hands. She can stack the rings on the pin, put large shape blocks in their respective holes (with guidance on which hole it goes in). She puts items in a container, and she even puts spoons in milk-jug holes (now to retrieve my spoons back...). Callie also likes to help open and close the refrigerator and the microwave, and help turn on and off the light switches. Sometimes she helps dress herself by putting her arms in her jacket, but she's really much better at undressing herself...
She has developed quite a bit of language in the past 3 months as well. I think when she was a year, we were mostly hearing "mama" and "dada" Now, she has a whole vocabulary it seems! Her favorite words are: Mama, dada, nana (banana), teetee (kitty), bye-bye, all-dah (all done), ah-beh (strawberry), bite, pea, teeth, shoes, mo (more), puppy, then Gab-gab (meaning Gabby, but Isaac says Gab-gab and this is what Callie calls all dogs now...) Iya (Isaac), ba (bath), Auntie, no, yeah, up, down, out, and (our favorite) nom-nom.
Calista's social skills have grown, too! She's starting to take interest in other children. She LOVES playing with Isaac and Hannah, and she'll interact more and play with children at day care as well. Katee (Isaac's mom) calls the two of them "Monkey-see, monkey-do" because it doesn't seem to matter which one instigates, they both copy each other in whatever they are doing. It's so fun to watch them play!
Likes: Books! All kinds of books. All the time. Books, books, books. She'll bring a book to us, and sit in our lap, and turn the pages for us, and point to pictures. She's not so interested in the story but at turning pages and pointing to things so we'll say what they are. And pointing back and forth 8 billion times to the same two pictures, and we repeat 8 billion times what they are... When I got up last Saturday morning after Bryann had let me sleep in, I sat down in the living room and Callie brought me "Eating the Alphabet", Bryann says, exhausingly, "Oh yeah, she loves that book this morning. We've read that 10 times already..."
She also likes exploring everything, pulling tissues out of the kleenex box, playing the piano and dancing to jitterbug, walks outside, playing with other children, playing "peek-a-boo", Kitty, climbing on things, being tickled, being pushed down on the bed or couch and landing in a pile of pillows.
Dislikes: Having whatever she wants to play with that she's not allowed to play with taken away from her, being told "No", being moved from an area she's not supposed to be in - basically not getting what she wants all the time. I usually just let her tantrum and tell her "We don't get everything we want. I know it's hard and very frustrating." and then ask her if she wants mommy hugs (which she usually does after a good cry.)
Things I Don't Want to Forget:
Callie's favorite toys are not actually toys, but boxes. Whenever we do a Costco run, the box flats get recycled into toys for Callie. She LOVES to climb on things so any new box presents a new climbing challenge. In, out, up, down, repeat!
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