Meandering (Wide)

Friday, July 8, 2011

Dish-of-the-Day: Fresh Cherry Cheesecake Bars

Ok, so I guess this isn't a "Dish" so much as a desert.  But it's still in the magazine, and I needed something to bring to Harry Potter night!

Our group of friends is re-watching all of the Harry Potter movies before we go to the premier on Thursday/Friday at midnight.  I'm sure we are the only people ingenious enough to do this, and originally, it was proposed to watch all 7 movies simultaneously.  But we opted for Wednesday and Friday pot-luck style get togethers wherein the host provides the main course and guests bring side-dishes or deserts.  Harry Potter themed food is welcomed.  I missed the first few gatherings since Bryann and I were on our honeymoon, but I understand there were Acid Pops, Licorice Wands, and Butter Beer.  I tried my hand at Ton Tongue Toffee for the previous party and was quite pleased at the result.

For this party however, I made Fresh Cherry Cheesecake Bars.  Again, armed with a kitchen full of fresh cherries, lemons, and greek yogurt (which I had never tried before) I spent my Friday morning making shortbread-like crust and cherry reduction.  Yes, I pitted and chopped the cherries myself.  No, I did not tell Bryann what was in them for fear of a similar reaction to the nectarine salsa from the other night.  Mysterious sounding foods tend to scare him, so I thought it best to leave out the fact that there was Greek yogurt and minimal cheese in the cheesecake part of the desert.

These are amazing, and I'm certain any berry will do for the reduction.  Perhaps if I'm craving cheesecake bars, but don't feel like pitting and chopping cherries and dying my hands red, I'll whip these up with some blueberries... or blackberries... yummmmmmm......

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