Ahhhh.... My own blog... Oh, how I've missed it! I was a dedicated blogger once, in the throes of my youth, spilling my college anguish out on the internet for all to read. Then again as I was living abroad, blogging about my travels and various adventures. Now I blog as a wife and mother of three (pets.)
Yes. I am a wife. I have recently entered wifedom and it is everything I hoped it could be. Actually, it's not much different than before. We still live together. We still have two dogs and a cat. We still drive the same cars, and work the same jobs. Only now we're married! He is my person. My true companion. My partner in crime.
And so wifedom begins... I am fresh off our Caribbean Honeymoon, without a summer job, and very, very bored. My summer project is to learn to cook. A co-worker gave me a subscription to Cooking Light Magazine as a wedding gift, so I'm trying a new recipe every day. Bryann couldn't be happier with this choice because my summer project means that Bryann gets to come home to dinner every night. On the flip side of that, Bryann has to eat what I make, and historically, Bryann has been somewhat of a picky eater.
We started off a little shaky. On the first night, armed with a kitchen full of fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs, I made Chicken Kebabs and Nectarine Salsa. Most of it turned out completely delicious. I bought whole-wheat couscous and neither of us liked it very much. I've also decided I really don't like parsley. Lessons learned... The chicken came out extremely flavorful and juicy. I don't have any confidence cooking meats because I always end up overcooking them. I'd never broiled anything and this chicken tasted amazing! Oh, and the nectarine salsa.... mouth-watering. I ate spoonfuls by itself!
Bryann complained mildly about the scant ratio of chicken to other food (he is a firm believer in the meat-in-every-bite way of eating) but I lectured him that his plate contained a serving size of chicken and he would receive no more until he ate his plate. Then he noticed the "green things" in the salsa and asked what they were. At the mention of avocados, he shut down and refused to touch the salsa. The last straw was when he wouldn't touch the onion I'd broiled as part of the kebabs.
I had to (gently) remind him that I'd just slaved away at making him this delicious dinner in an attempt to make him happy, to keep us healthy, and that the whole point of the project was to try new things and develop an appreciation for foods we wouldn't have made otherwise. He begrudgingly tried the onion and avocado in a bite of salsa, paused, and said "OK, I guess it's not that bad," then proceeded to gobble his plate down. Point, Kristi!
And so wifedom begins... Currently, it feels a little antiquated. I'm staying at home, keeping house and taking care of our three (animal) kids. Cooking dinner every night and waiting for Bryann to get home. Perhaps I should get an apron and take up crocheting... Oh wait, I already have the apron...
Kristi... Woah you really are taking on cooking by storm! Pork tenderloin medallions?! I, like you, am STILL uncomfortable cooking meat outside of salmon, chicken in stirfrys, and anything I can put in the slow cooker. Next year I'll have to give you a list of my go-to quality dinner recipes that I cook even when I'm exhausted or too tired. You are doing such a great job, keep your fearlessness and I can't wait to read about more of your adventures:)