Week 21 slowed down a little bit and has allowed me to catch my breath. It's still been busy, but not nearly as stressful as the previous two weeks. Last weekend, we went out to the beach house with our gaggle of friends - Elizabeth, Tamara, Rian, Nate, Kimber, Paul, Rachel - and our sqadron of dogs - Samson, Ronin, Murphy, and Oscar. Our house is a pretty tiny 3 br/1ba house, so fitting 9 people and 4 dogs is a pretty awesome accomplishment. The weather wasn't as crappy as forecasted, so we even got out to play on the beach and explore a neighboring beach town a bit. Bryann and I are going to try to get out to the beach house as much as possible (as much as his school schedule will allow) before the baby comes. It's just one of my most favorite places to be.
On Monday, we did the inspection of the new house and it went really well for being built it 1980. Both Sue and the inspector were expecting to find way more problems, but the owners kept up the place really well. There were some issues, but the seller has agreed to fix everything on the list, and give us a small discount for the condition of the deck. The inspection on our current house was last Friday, so we're also finished with that process. We're just waiting on signatures from our buyers on the repair addendum, and then we move on to the appraisal phase!
Tuesday and Wednesday was choir rehearsal and sectionals for me, while Bryann had class and then was picking up a Craigslist refrigerator for the new house. Thursday we actually got to relax and cuddle while catching up on "Walking Dead" and Friday we went to see Clyborne Park as part of our season ticket package with Portland Center Stage. I love going to these plays. They're always way better than I expected them to be, and they're usually plays I wouldn't normally have purchased tickets for.
In Baby news, there's not a lot of news. :-) I'm looking slightly more pregnant than I used to, but I still don't look pregnant enough to be 21 weeks along, or for people to notice and say something like "when are you due?" I've had several people who, when the find out I'm 21 weeks along, gasp and tell me there's no way, or ask where I'm hiding it! But over the last three weeks, I've seen a noticeable change so I think I'm at the growth spurt stage and will continue to look more and more pregnant as the weeks go on. I've started to prepare for the growth spurt by applying stretch mark butter once or twice daily. When I first got pregnant I googled "pregnancy stretch marks" and looked at the images and was COMPLETELY horrified, so I've been sufficiently frightened into using tummy butter religiously, and eating more fruit than pizza so I gain weight slowly. Studies SAY that lotions don't actually prevent stretch marks, and that genetics play more of a role. But for now, I'm choosing to believe marketing over science. :-P
This miracle product is going to spare me from stretch marks! (Please let it be true!!) |
What Baby T has been up to:
- Depending on which book I'm referencing, Baby is either 10.5 inches and 3/4lb. or 8 in. and 1lb. I know... that makes no sense. Why is the longer baby lighter? Anyway, Baby grew to approximately the size of a carrot/banana/spagetti squash (again, depending on which book I'm referencing.)
- Baby is hard at work practicing martial arts inside my belly. There is a TON of wriggling and squirming every time I sit down and relax! It's recommended that I keep tabs on the movements so I can notice quickly if movement frequency changes and alert my OB.
- Baby is practicing swallowing amniotic fluid to aid in digestion later on, and is developing taste buds. I've heard that if I want Baby to like vegetables, I'd better eat a lot of them myself so it's a familiar taste later on.
- Eyebrows and eyelids are now present, and Baby's eyes may even start to open and close soon. Baby can also apparently see light, and will try to run away if I shine a flashlight on my belly.
Pregnancy symptoms this week include:
- AM nausea
- Weird facial breakouts. This actually started at like week 10, but I can't tell if it's acne or not. There's nothing to "pop" per se. My cheeks just have a bunch of red splotches, and it looks more like acne scars than acne. Perhaps it's the discoloring I've heard about? Either way, it's not my favorite feature.
Food cravings/aversions
- I'm into chocolate ice cream and chocolate candy this week. I haven't been craving candy or ice cream AT ALL before this week, so this is a slippery slope here.
- No aversions. I've been able to eat everything on the menu.
What I miss:
- Beer & Wine. I feel like I sound like I have a drinking problem, but I really didn't drink that often before I got pregnant. It's just that now that I can't have it, I want it!! And I miss drinking with my friends at Wine & Dines and gatherings.
- Looking good in my clothes. Bryann has started to laugh at me when he sees me after work, saying "You're soooo pregnant," to which I squeal back "What?! No, my sweater was just askew from sitting. Let me pull it back down. There! You can hardly tell!" Perhaps I'm in denial...
- Being able to lift and carry things. I'm not supposed to lift more than 15 lbs., so I couldn't help Bryann at all get the canopy off his truck or go get the fridge. He had to get Rian to come help. (Thank you, Rian!!) I'm pretty useless lately.
What I'm looking forward to:
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