Meandering (Wide)

Friday, April 26, 2013

Week 23

It's been a very minor-ly eventful week.  Bryann and I were able to get into the new house on Wednesday to take some measurements so we could do some cost analysis of what it will take to fix the porch and re-do some of the kitchen and master bathroom.  I went to book club with the ladies on Thursday and had a wonderful time hanging out and talking about literature (as always)!

I feel like I had a growth spurt over the last couple days, but it could very well just be that I'm having some severe digestion issues and/or bloating.  I ran out of my prenatal vitamins and am waiting for the rx to refill, and I suspect that might have something to do with the digestion troubles.  I had another OB appointment on Thursday, and my OB says everything looks great, that I'm measuring exactly where I need to be, and that things are progressing as they should.  Bryann and I are going to look into taking some birthing classes later this summer, so she gave us some materials on that stuff, too.

What Baby T has been up to this week:

  • Baby girl is just over a pound and measuring 11.5 inches - the size of a mango.  
  • She is squirming a lot and I can even see her move under my clothes!
  • Her lungs are developing more blood vessels to prepare her for breathing
  • She can hear voices and loud noises - apparently she's getting used to loud noises that happen pretty often (like Sam barking at everything passing down the street) and they won't phase her when she's born.  
Pregnancy symptoms this week include: 
  • No more nausea!!  At least not at all this week.  I DID get sick over rotting food smell, so I'm still sensitive to yucky smells, but I wasn't sick in the mornings all this week!  I'm hoping the sick phase is officially done!
  • Baby kicks and rumbles.  Sometimes I feel like she's kicking and punching at the same time because I can feel movement on both the left and the right side of my belly.  
  • I've hit a growth spurt and I've gotten to the point where I'm doing some serious reevaluations of the clothes in my closet.  Gotta save up some of my fun monies to buy some more maternity clothing...
What I miss: 
  • Nothing new here.  Beer.  Having a drink with my friends.  Being able to lift things and be helpful.
What I'm looking forward to:
  • Strangers on the street asking me about my pregnancy.  Is it weird that I WANT that to start happening?  Even though I'm popping out more, no one has commented.  

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