Meandering (Wide)

Friday, June 21, 2013

Week 31

(Disclaimer: Week 30-33 might be a little sparse... I'm writing these mid-week 34, and the last few weeks have been a daze, so I may have forgotten some details...)

We are all "moved" into the house!  Meaning all of our posessions are at our new house.  Everything is currently in a state of complete disarray while we paint kitchen cabinets and prep the Master bedroom/bathroom for the remodel.  We can't really unpack and settle in to any room because every room is housing extra stuff that can't be put into a room currently being remodeled.  So we have to finish projects first, then unpack last.  It's going to be a long summer getting all this done... 
What Baby T has been up to this week:
  • Baby measures over 16 inches long and weighs about 3.3 lbs and is heading into a growth spurt.  She's at about half her birthweight now, so the next 9 weeks will be the big growing period.
  • Callie can turn her head from side to side and her arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out
Pregnancy symptoms this week include:
  • I'm feeling much more tired than I have previously.  Fatigued, I guess.  Not tired.  But I think that might also have something to do with the amount of hours we've been putting into updating the house.
  • It's much more difficult to get out of bed lately.  And it doesn't help that my bed is on the floor, so I don't have any leverage when I need to stand up.  Bryann is very helpful in the mornings and pushes me upwards.  :-)
  • The skin on my stomach and sides is drying out and flaking a little bit.  I haven't kept up my lotioning regimen that I had before we moved, which is probably a bit part of it.  Otherwise, still no stretch marks.  Hoping to make it through without many!  *Keeping fingers crossed*
What I miss/What I'm looking forward to:
  • I miss the old house a little bit.  I keep calling it "our house".  :-)  I feel like the new house is home already - I felt like it was "home" the minute I walked in - but I still miss the comfort of the old house where everything had a place, and we'd loved it for 3 years.
  • I miss being able to sit down and have a beer after a long day of hard work.  Luckily, Bryann is sensitive and doesn't rub it in my face TOO much, but I could really use a cold one at the end of these long, strenous days!
  • I miss being able to lift things and be useful.  I was pretty pathetic on moving day.  I just directed traffic and carried a pillow or two.  I wish I could contribute more.
  • I'm looking forward to getting all moved in and setting up our new house as our home.
  • Also looking forward to my baby shower next weekend!!!  Wheeeee!!!!
New house!!

Moving day - loading the truck up
Emptying our former living/dining room
Stacking up boxes miles high in our new kitchen
New living room!
New dining room!
New master bedroom - looking East
New master bedroom - looking South toward the bathroom entrance (hiding on the right).
Main floor bathroom
Bryann and Reezy prepping the kitchen with primer and getting it ready to spray
Bryann - spray master

Taking a little break and playing fetch in our giant yard

Finished product on the cabinets.  Doors and drawers to come later.

New "office"

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