(Disclaimer: Week 30-33 might be a little sparse... I'm writing these mid-week 34, and the last few weeks have been a daze, so I may have forgotten some details...)
What Baby T has been up to this week:
- Baby weighs almost 4 lbs and could be as long as 19 inches - about the size of a
- She is supposedly in the head-down, buttoms-up position, but it's impossible for me to tell what I'm feeling when she pokes herself out.
- Her digestive system is all set to go - in case she's a premie, she's able to survive outside the womb without the umbilical cord providing nutrients.
- She continues to gain fat and her skin is turning more opaque.
- Feeling baby squirm and swirl around a lot more than the movements I've been feeling previous. She juts herself out and I imagine her pushing and stretching since things are becoming a little cramped in there for her
- Apparently I can expect Braxton-Hicks contractions in the coming weeks, but I haven't felt any yet. Or at least I don't think I've felt any contractions. My OB promises I will know it when I feel one. :-)
- Heartburn has lightened up a lot. I actually can't remember having ANY heartburn this week! Am I finished with it?! Could it be!?!?
What I miss/What I'm looking forward to:
- I miss a clean, put-together house. I've kicked myself several times during this week for deciding I really wanted to get all these projects done before the baby comes. I know it will be worth it when it's all finished, and it's better to do everything now than with a newborn, but it's still hard and very stressfull to not have a place to relax and unwind. Luckily the porch outside our kitchen is completely amazing, surrounded by trees, recieves a wonderful breeze, and is my most favorite place to be lately.
- Baby shower on Saturday!!! I'm REALLY excited to have a day dedicated to Calista and me, with some much needed girl time, and getting dressed up and looking pretty again.

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