Ahh... finally caught up on blogging! Hopefully now that things have settled down a wee bit and the MAJOR projects are done at our house, I will be slightly less overwhelmed and will blog weekly for the next 6 (?!?!?!) weeks. Oh perfect world...
Mom and Dad ended up staying about a week longer than they intended. Since the bathroom remodel project took at least a week longer than anyone expected (due in parts to 3 full days of shopping for supplies + 2 full days of wandering around inspecting piping and attic tresses) they were kind enough to stick around long enough to finish the things Bryann couldn't do himself - like electrical work and lifting heavy bits. But we have walls up, ceilings repaired, tile down in the kitchen/living room, tile half-way up on the shower, tile on the bathroom vanity, sinks plumbed, lights in, switches working, and walls textured, primed, and ready to paint.
We had a very last fruitful weekend on Craigslist, too. We bought carseats and bases, a pack n' play, couches for the living room, and a new car! We also had the crib delivered this week, and from my haul at the baby shower, I feel like we have the stuff we need to welcome baby into the world. It may not be set up and ready to go, but at least we have it in our posession and I don't need to stress about being able to take the baby home if she comes SUPER early.
We also started birth preparation classes this week. We went to "Breastfeeding Basics" on Wednesday night, although I'm not sure Bryann was mature enough to handle that class. I think he giggled at every single photo and video of women breastfeeding. :-P We learned a lot though, saw a lot of examples, practiced some positioning, and I think we're much better prepared than without the class. There are lactation consultants at all of the hospitals, too, so we'll be able to get advice down the road, should we need it.
What Baby T has been up to this week:
- Calista could be as long as 20 inches and about 5 lbs - the size of a pineapple.
- Her fingernails and toenails are full length and may even curl around the tips of her phlanges.
- Fat layers are filling out and her skin is getting ever smoother.
- Her central nervous system is maturing, and her lungs are continuing to mature.
- If she were born after this week, barring any unforseen health problems, she would generall do fine with a short Neo-natal stay.
Pregnancy symptoms this week include:
- Well, I thought morning sickness was a thing of the past, but apparently it can rear its ugly head back up at any time. I was sick Thursday morning and spent several minutes over the kitchen sink until I threw up the bile that was sitting in my stomach. Oh joy...
- I'm starting to bump into things because I forget how big my belly is. I've actually surprised myself in the mirror because I forgot how big my belly was. I've been caught doing the "pregnant lady" pose with my hands inverted on my hips (fingers facing down towards my back, thumbs resting on my hip bones facing forward) and I think my feet are definitely starting to swell.
- Heartburn resumed early last week. I've finished off my jumbo bottle of Tums that I picked up in May, and need to go to the store to replenish the supply today lest I be caught without any trying to get to sleep tonight.
- Baby continues to swirl around throughout the day. She gets in these really uncomfortable positions and pushes herself outward, so my stomach is bulging out on the right side. When I'm sitting she also presses up against my ribcage, so sitting really tall, standing, or lying down are the only comfortable positions.
- Luckily I can still sleep through the night. I haven't been woken by her movements, so I'm hoping it's because she's sleeping while I'm sleeping, and she's awake during the day while I'm awake. Here's hoping to an easy sleep schedule when she comes!
What I miss/What I'm looking forward to:
- I miss being able to put my pants, socks, and shoes on like a normal person. Anything that requires bending over just doesn't work very well.
- I miss feeling like I had all the freedom in the world to do whatever I want, and like I had all the time to play and be young and irresponsible. I've been told that I'm going to be a great mom, a fun mom, and I really hope that's true. Honestly, I don't feel very "mom" like - like I've always thought of my mom as the ultimate mom, and I've never really felt like her, but I guess I'll be my own type of mom instead of my mom. I know that doesn't make much sense all typed out. :-P
34 weeks along! |
Bryann laying out the tile pattern for the shower |
Starting to tile the shower walls! |
One wall mostly completed |
Dad patching up the ceiling where the wall was knocked down and mom cleaning up the insulation ceiling bits |
Kitchen nearly finished!! A few more doors to paint, and knobs and pulls to put on. |
Dad cutting tile for the bathroom countertop |
Laying tile on the vanity countertop |
Finished product! Still needs grout though. |
New car! 2004 Ford Focus Wagon. Should get us through the next 10 years. :-) |
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