This was a week that I dubbed "getting shit done" week. My parents came back on Thursday to give us a helping hand with my laundry list of house projects. We got the transition between the kitchen and living room finished, floor tile grouted, wall textured & painted, and outlets put back on. We got the nursery painted, trim painted, carpets cleaned, and crib put together. We got the upstairs bathroom painted and more organized than it was prior. We got the hallway walls painted and a first coat on the trim of the floorboards and doorways. And we got the trim finished in my master closet and door frames. The house is STILL far from being finished, but I feel a LOT better now that some of the bigger things have been tackled and we have the semblance of a nursery for baby Callie to come home to.
Wine & Dine went very smoothly on Saturday. It's always fun to have people over, and even though the house wasn't in perfect form, I was able to forget about it for an evening and just enjoy time with friends. We did a DIY kabob station and the wine theme was "blends", played some ladder golf in the yard, and hung out on the lower deck. The evening cooled off enough to enjoy time outside in the summer breeze. The next Wine & Dine is the day after my due date, so I'm planning to go into labor that night and keep with the tradition of having W&D babies! I just have to make sure Callie is on board with my plan. I keep reminding her not to come any earlier or any later, and we're developing a signal for when it's ok to start making her way into the world. :-P
Bryann and I are also continuing birthing classes for the next two weeks. We had our second class on Friday and learned about some of the different birth scenarios and pain management options, and had to watch a few videos of actual births. Again, Bryann giggled through all the videos. I hope he can hold it together while I'M giving birth!
What Baby T has been up to this week:
- Callie is weighing in at about 6 lbs and measuring 18.5 inches long - the size of a head of a cantalope.
- She's changing out her hairstyle for the new fad, and shedding the waxy layer of skin -her vernix caseosa.
- She's swallowing all of this sludge she's shedding off her body and producing her first big poo - the tar-like meconium.
- Callie is also in a head-down position - as confirmed by my OB, and is ready to make her big debut in a few weeks
Pregnancy symptoms include:
- Apparently I've been experiencing contractions for the last few weeks and I didn't even know it! I keep joking that if THIS is what contractions feel like, then I can handle this labor thing, no problem! I've likened the feeling to when you pull a jacket real tight around your back to sheild yourself from the wind - contractions (so far) have felt like she's just pulling my uterus tightly around her shoulders to keep herself warm.
- The other usual symptoms persist - heartburn, copious burping, flailing around in bed like a whale
What I miss/What I'm looking forward to:
- I miss wine again. As nice as it was to be able to sip all the wines at Wine & Dine, I wish I could have had a full glass of a tasty one.
- I miss the other "normal" abilities of a typical human - being able to sit up and stand up easily, putting on socks and shoes, being able to roll over in bed without a huge production, cuddling with my husband without a body pillow between us supporting my stomach and legs.
- Looking forward to getting the nursury finished! We just got the tree decal in, but we have to wait 2 weeks for the new paint to cure. I'm super excited to finish this room that I've been dreaming about for the last 7 months!
36 weeks |
We finished grouting the master bath sink and Bryann put the mirror up |
The nursery walls are all primed and ready for paint |
Dad is finishing the texturing on the transition wall between the kitchen and the living room |
Finished tile, floor transition, and textured wall |
Reezy is getting the crib put together |
Finished living room/dining room wall! With decorations even! |
Belly shot - in case anyone wanted to see! Sorry if this is TMI. :-P |
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