Meandering (Wide)

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Week #29

29 weeks

I can't even remember the 3 weeks since I posted last!  Life has been busy, and my pregnancy anxiety has been relatively low, which allows my days to go by at a normal pace, instead of the incredibly, torturously slow rate of the first 15 or so weeks.

Bryann has been traveling more frequently lately, so I've been trying to fill up my week nights with people to see and things to do.  Callie and I have been enjoying "Girls Time" while Bryann is gone, and for the most part, she's been pretty wonderful.  She plays hard, and cuddles hard!  And she's very sweet with baby, though she's not always cautious when she's climbing on me for closer cuddles.

I've been trying to exercise more frequently.  I try to walk between 2-3 miles after work most days, but since it's gotten so hot lately, I decided to join Bryann's gym and supplement with some exercise classes.  I think the time has passed for me to be doing regular Yoga.  I tried it a few times, and it definitely became gradually more difficult to manage with a belly.  But I've been really enjoying a Pilates class on Thursday evenings, and a PowerFit class which is like light circuit weights.  I've been trying to go to that on Tuesday evenings, or catch the MWF noon class when I work from home.  I feel better about my fitness level and my body since I've been exercising, so even though I'm definitely bigger and showing earlier this pregnancy, I don't feel lazy or unhealthy.

Bryann has been able to get the flooring finished in the nursery, and all the trim has been put back on.  We still need to calk it back on, plug in the nail holes, and re-paint the last bit of the wall since the wood floor is slightly lower than the carpeting was.  But... we still have 11 weeks!  I'm also planning on painting white stripes on the accent wall, but haven't gotten around to it yet.  We haven't been feeling the deadline pressure just yet!  I had a bunch of other fun, labor intensive ideas for the nursery, but decided to keep it simple and classy, and a type of room/color scheme that baby boy can grow up in.