Meandering (Wide)

Friday, August 16, 2013

Week 39

"It's the FI-NAL COUNTDOWN *na-na-nah nah... nuh-nuh-na-na-nah*"

T-1 week to go!  But really, Baby T could come any day now.  We had an OB appointment yesterday and my OB thinks she'll make her debut in the next couple of days.  I've been having pretty regular contractions for several hours at a time, for several days this week.  Plus some of the usual pains of baby dropping and bouncing her head on my cervix (not an awesome feeling, btw) and hip ligaments stretching getting ready for the big day (also not an awesome feeling).  I've been feeling way more tired than usual, and moving around is getting difficult.  Even finding a comfortable sitting position is hard.  This last week, I'm sorry to say, has been a week completely devoid of house projects and mostly filled with me taking afternoon naps and watching marathon sessions of "The Good Wife" splayed out on the bed with a pillow propping up my belly.  Thank goodness some friends came over on Sunday to help finish up the nursery and kick my ass and force me to pack my hospital bag, otherwise I'm sure it would never have gotten done this week.  This was also my last week teaching classes, so until the baby comes, I'll be working from home.

While at our appointment on Thursday, we also talked with my OB pretty extensively about our "birth plan" because we keep hearing about it and we have been asked by quite a few people if we've made one yet, and/or what our birth plan is.  I haven't been particularly moved to create a birth plan because 1) I know that these things rarely go according to plan, and I'm suspicious that if I made a plan, Murhphy's law would kick in and everything would happen the opposite way, and 2) because I'm familiar with Providence's common practices in the L&D unit, and know that they're already going to do the things I actually care about (like NOT using forceps, starting pain management options from least debilitating first, C-section as a last resort, putting the baby on me skin-to-skin when she's born, letting the umbilical cord finish pulsing before it's cut).  The rest I don't really have strong feelings about.  As far as the epidural is concerned, I'm just going to see how it goes.

What Baby T has been up to this week:
  • Callie should be measuring somewhere around 7lbs and 20 inches long - the size of a mini-watermelon.
  • She continues to build those layers of baby fat to help control her body temperature and insulate her.
Pregnancy symptoms this week include:
  • Contractions - when regular are anywhere between 10 and 20 minutes apart, last for about a minute, and continue on for a few hours.  They haven't been painful yet, so that's how I know true labor hasn't started when I'm having them.
  • Hip ligament pains
  • Fatigue
  • Heartburn
What I miss/What I'm looking forward to:
  • I miss normal body functions, moving around with ease, cuddling with Bryann, being comfortable
  • I'm looking forward to all the popcicles and milkshakes I want while I'm in the hospital!
  • Also looking forward to meeting this little girl squirming around inside me.  :-)
Finished nursery!!  East wall
North wall
South wall
West wall
Birthday pool
Kitty has dibs on the nursing rocking chair...

Friday, August 9, 2013

Week 38

Two weeks to go!!  AAAGGHHH!!!  Time crunch!!  Freaking out!!!  It's starting to dawn on me that this baby is coming very VERY soon, and that there's also a possibility that she'll come BEFORE she's due.  I've been having more frequent contrations, and they were pretty close together on Wednesday night.  So during my OB visit on Thursday, my OB did a physical exam and said I'm 40% effaced, and a fingertip's width dilated, and -quote- she hopes I make it to next week.  Umm... didn't she mean she hopes I make it to the baby's due date in TWO weeks, I asked?  So apparently the process has begun and the baby can come any damn time she pleases?!  No thank you, that's not how I had this all planned.  :-) 

So now things are a little more "on edge" at home and at work.  I rearranged some classes next week so that I'd be covered if I went into labor early, and I'm pretty stressed out about getting things done around the house before the baby comes.  So there's LOTS on the agenda for this weekend.  Hopefully we can wrangle a few friends to come help us out at the house. 

What Baby T has been up to this week:
  • At 38 weeks, Calista is supposed to be closer to 7 lbs, but my OB still thinks she's still around 6 lbs. 
  • Callie will continue to put on fat for the next two weeks to prepare for her entrance to that cold hospital room.
  • She's producing a substance in her lungs called surfactant which keeps the air sacs from sticking to one another once she takes her first breaths
  • She also has a firm grasp reflex - looking forward to holding her tiny little hand!
Pregnancy symptoms this week include:
  • The usual heartburn & beached whale syndrome
  • Frequent contractions - meaning maybe 8-10 an hour for an hour or so every day
  • Dry-flaky skin and a very itchy belly!
  • Cankles - aka swollen feet and ankles at the end of my long days of standing or walking around. 
What I miss/What I'm looking forward to:
  • NOW I miss thinking I still had time to get things ready at the house! 
  • I'm looking forward to not being pregnant anymore.  I've been feeling not-so-hot lately.  Just really tired, and not really myself.  I hear I'll feel better as soon as this baby comes out.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Week 37

House project continued this week.  We still had dad around for a few days to finish some things off, and the nursery is pretty much ready.  We got it painted, and furniture put in.  Mom and I did an IKEA trip so we now have all the furniture we need.  Katee came over and helped me put furniture together and also helped me get it arranged in a functional way.  I still have a lot of organizing to do, but there is now a semblance of a nursury!  Living room and kitchen are pretty much done.  Hallway is painted, and trim is primed.  Some of it is painted, but doors still need a coat of paint, and trim all needs a 2nd coat.  I'm getting REAL tired of house projects though, and I'm starting to fear it just won't all be done in time.  Bryann got a LITTLE more tiling done in the master shower, but I think there is still a full 3 or 4 days of work that needs to be put in and Bryann just doesn't have full days to commit except on Sundays. 

This week was pretty busy otherwise.  I got to celebrate Tamara's little Hannah during her baby shower last weekend.  Bryann and I did a maternity photo session on Tuesday with a fabulous friend and co-worker at my old school.  She is also pregnant and is due a week before me.  We got one sneak-peek photo, and I'm really excited to see the rest!  I also hosted book club on Thursday, went to childbirth classes on Friday, and saw "My Fair Lady" on Saturday.  I'm heading out to Seaside this next week for another few days of Epic fun.  I'm not a super fan of traveling, but spending another few days at the beach is really not the worst thing in the world. 

What Baby T has been up to this week:
  • Callie is now considered "full term" and the pregnancy websites say she should weigh 6 1/3 lbs and measure 19 inches.  My OB says she is probably at the 6 lb mark right now, and will likely stay pretty small, but that that's normal since I'm a pretty small gal myself. 
  • She's not tumbling around as much as she used to, but she is definitely stretching and jabbing a lot!  She has less room to maneuver now that she's getting so big and filling up every possible inch of my stomach.
  • Calista is practicing breathing by sucking in and out the amniotic fluid and is also sucking her thumb, blinking her eyelids, and turning from side to side. 
Pregnancy symptoms this week include:
  • I found the following from the "What to Expect" website hilarious so I thought I'd post it in its entirety below.  I've checked the symptoms I've personally been experiencing.
**Changes in fetal activity: By the time your baby’s head is engaged in your pelvis, he’ll have a lot less room for any more than a twist or squirm. What’s important is that you feel some movement every day. Remember, though, that your baby is behaving like a newborn now and has interludes of deep sleep, when he barely moves at all.

**Heartburn or indigestion: If your heartburn is getting worse these days, try eating a handful of almonds. Other home remedies that may banish the burn: a tablespoon of honey in warm milk or some dried papaya.

(no idea on this one.  I haven't had a cervical exam yet)  Cervical dilation or effacement: To get ready for labor, your cervix will dilate (open up) and efface (get thinner). For some women, the two take place gradually, over a period of weeks or months. Others can efface and dilate overnight. You won’t be able to feel it, but your practitioner will be able to tell during an internal exam.

(Gross!  none of this yet!)  Bloody show: A pink- or brown-tinged mucus discharge means that the blood vessels in the cervix are rupturing as the cervix dilates in preparation for labor and delivery (it won’t be long now!).

(Thankfully none of these!) Varicose veins: If the veins in your legs are acting up now, try sleeping on your left side, which is the best position for optimum circulation. Also try elevating your legs by putting a pillow under your feet. Both positions will keep the blood flowing.

(not yet!)  Pelvic pressure and discomfort: If your baby’s head is pressing into your pelvis, hips, and bladder, you’ll feel more pressure as the week wears on. If you feel really uncomfortable, invest in a belly sling that will support the weight of your belly and take pressure off your back (see below) and pelvis.

(I get resless leg, and some cramping in my leg/hip crease) Leg cramps: If leg cramps are making a misery of your nights, try drinking more fluids during the day and make sure you’re eating enough calcium (those almonds you’re munching for the heartburn come in handy again!) and magnesium. All three can help with leg cramps.

(no stretch marks, yet!  Thanks for the good genes, mom!) Stretch marks: With your boobs and belly (and possibly butt) as big as they’ve ever been, you’ve probably noticed those classic marks of maternity by now. Don’t worry, they’ll fade into silvery lines and turn into a badge of pride (or at least motherhood!) a few months after childbirth.

** (Bryann has stopped asking me where things are.)  Forgetfulness: There are so many things to keep track of now (Is the camera charged and packed? Do you have a baby outfit washed and ready to bring to the hospital? How many dinners are stocked in the freezer?) that it’s no wonder you’re walking around in a fog. Post reminders around the house and on your computer so you won’t forget appointments.

** Difficulty sleeping: You’ve heard that pregnancy insomnia is Mother Nature’s way to prepare you for the sleepless nights ahead, but try to squeeze in some shut-eye so you have enough energy for childbirth and beyond. Sleep in a little longer, nap when you come home after work or on weekends, and give yourself a relaxing routine when it’s time for bed.

What I miss/What I'm looking forward to:
  • I miss the usual stuff still
  • Looking forward to finished projects, but not sure that's ever going to happen at this point.