Meandering (Wide)

Friday, June 28, 2013

Week 32

(Disclaimer: Week 30-33 might be a little sparse... I'm writing these mid-week 34, and the last few weeks have been a daze, so I may have forgotten some details...)

Mom and Dad made it up last weekend to help with the remodeling.  Bryann got a new job, so he took this week off work to dedicate towards getting the master bathroom remodel well on it's way.  Apparently my original idea of moving everything to a different location wasn't going to work - something to do with plumbing and running pipes and sewer lines all different directions, and having to tear up the basement ceiling in order to accomplish this, who knows - so the first 2 days were spent wandering around, inspecting the pipelines from the outside of the house, and trying to come up with a new plan that would leave the toilet in the same spot, the shower in approximately the same spot, add in a double vanity sink, AND allow me to access the bathroom from my closet.  It couldn't be done from where my closet currently lived (on the West side of the room) so we decided to expand the shower into what will now become Bryann's closet, and construct another angled wall on the East side where my new closet will reside, and through which we can access the bathroom. 

What Baby T has been up to this week:
  • Baby weighs almost 4 lbs and could be as long as 19 inches - about the size of a
  • She is supposedly in the head-down, buttoms-up position, but it's impossible for me to tell what I'm feeling when she pokes herself out.
  • Her digestive system is all set to go - in case she's a premie, she's able to survive outside the womb without the umbilical cord providing nutrients.
  • She continues to gain fat and her skin is turning more opaque.
Pregnancy symptoms this week include:
  • Feeling baby squirm and swirl around a lot more than the movements I've been feeling previous.  She juts herself out and I imagine her pushing and stretching since things are becoming a little cramped in there for her
  • Apparently I can expect Braxton-Hicks contractions in the coming weeks, but I haven't felt any yet.  Or at least I don't think I've felt any contractions.  My OB promises I will know it when I feel one.  :-)
  • Heartburn has lightened up a lot.  I actually can't remember having ANY heartburn this week!  Am I finished with it?!  Could it be!?!?
What I miss/What I'm looking forward to:
  • I miss a clean, put-together house.  I've kicked myself several times during this week for deciding I really wanted to get all these projects done before the baby comes.  I know it will be worth it when it's all finished, and it's better to do everything now than with a newborn, but it's still hard and very stressfull to not have a place to relax and unwind.  Luckily the porch outside our kitchen is completely amazing, surrounded by trees, recieves a wonderful breeze, and is my most favorite place to be lately. 
  • Baby shower on Saturday!!!  I'm REALLY excited to have a day dedicated to Calista and me, with some much needed girl time, and getting dressed up and looking pretty again. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Week 31

(Disclaimer: Week 30-33 might be a little sparse... I'm writing these mid-week 34, and the last few weeks have been a daze, so I may have forgotten some details...)

We are all "moved" into the house!  Meaning all of our posessions are at our new house.  Everything is currently in a state of complete disarray while we paint kitchen cabinets and prep the Master bedroom/bathroom for the remodel.  We can't really unpack and settle in to any room because every room is housing extra stuff that can't be put into a room currently being remodeled.  So we have to finish projects first, then unpack last.  It's going to be a long summer getting all this done... 
What Baby T has been up to this week:
  • Baby measures over 16 inches long and weighs about 3.3 lbs and is heading into a growth spurt.  She's at about half her birthweight now, so the next 9 weeks will be the big growing period.
  • Callie can turn her head from side to side and her arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out
Pregnancy symptoms this week include:
  • I'm feeling much more tired than I have previously.  Fatigued, I guess.  Not tired.  But I think that might also have something to do with the amount of hours we've been putting into updating the house.
  • It's much more difficult to get out of bed lately.  And it doesn't help that my bed is on the floor, so I don't have any leverage when I need to stand up.  Bryann is very helpful in the mornings and pushes me upwards.  :-)
  • The skin on my stomach and sides is drying out and flaking a little bit.  I haven't kept up my lotioning regimen that I had before we moved, which is probably a bit part of it.  Otherwise, still no stretch marks.  Hoping to make it through without many!  *Keeping fingers crossed*
What I miss/What I'm looking forward to:
  • I miss the old house a little bit.  I keep calling it "our house".  :-)  I feel like the new house is home already - I felt like it was "home" the minute I walked in - but I still miss the comfort of the old house where everything had a place, and we'd loved it for 3 years.
  • I miss being able to sit down and have a beer after a long day of hard work.  Luckily, Bryann is sensitive and doesn't rub it in my face TOO much, but I could really use a cold one at the end of these long, strenous days!
  • I miss being able to lift things and be useful.  I was pretty pathetic on moving day.  I just directed traffic and carried a pillow or two.  I wish I could contribute more.
  • I'm looking forward to getting all moved in and setting up our new house as our home.
  • Also looking forward to my baby shower next weekend!!!  Wheeeee!!!!
New house!!

Moving day - loading the truck up
Emptying our former living/dining room
Stacking up boxes miles high in our new kitchen
New living room!
New dining room!
New master bedroom - looking East
New master bedroom - looking South toward the bathroom entrance (hiding on the right).
Main floor bathroom
Bryann and Reezy prepping the kitchen with primer and getting it ready to spray
Bryann - spray master

Taking a little break and playing fetch in our giant yard

Finished product on the cabinets.  Doors and drawers to come later.

New "office"

Friday, June 14, 2013

Week 30

(Disclaimer: Week 30-33 might be a little sparse... I'm writing these mid-week 34, and the last few weeks have been a daze, so I may have forgotten some details...)

After a series of unfortunate events, and things looking like they were going to be pushed back until NEXT TUESDAY, we WERE able to get the keys to the house on Thursday at 1pm.  So Bryann took off from work early and immediately started prepping the Living/Dining room and Kitchen to be taped, molding calked, and ready to spray the trim.  I warned him that I didn't want to deal with dark oak molding anymore and that the first thing we'd be doing when we got in was painting the trim.  I think he was hoping I'd let it go, but alas, we got to work right away! 

We slept in the house Thursday, are working on it all day today (Friday), and are moving in tomorrow (Saturday).  TBD how much we'll get done before moving in.  Hopefully at least the living room will be ready to recieve furniture! 
What Baby T has been up to this week:
  • Baby is about 15.7 inches and 3 lbs now - about the size of a cabbage head. 
  • She is surrounded by amniotic fluid, so her movements are very cushioned.
  • Callie's eyesight is developing, but even at birth her vision will be 20/400 and will only be able to make out objects a few inches from her face.
  • Her brain is changing from smooth to taking on those grooves and indentations - wrinkles that allow for increased surface area (higher amount of brain tissue).
  • Baby's bone marrow has taken over production of red blood cells wheras before, the spleen was producing most of them.
  • Her languo hair is beginning to disappear because she's growing more fat and her brain is regulating her temperature better
Pregnancy symptoms this week include:
  • Apparently I'm supposed to be feeling off balance and clumsy, but I feel pretty normal. 
  • Heartburn continues, and has gotten worse lately.  I can't bend over without some acid reflux.
  • My stomach feels miniscule, so I'm hungry, but I can't actually stuff any more food in my belly.  So I have to eat small amounts of food, pretty often.
What I miss/What I'm looking forward to:
  • I miss being able to gobble down as much food as my heart desires, and eat until I'm full. 
  • I miss the days when I didn't have heartburn constantly!
  • Looking forward to my next OB visit.  It's always fun to check in with the baby.
  • Looking forward to a "finished" house - though I have a feeling that the finished product is several weeks further out than we'd anticipated...
Rachel, dutifully de-papering the nursery walls.  This room was a nightmare!  There are 4 other people here (Paul, Nate, Kimber, & Molly), but couldn't get a good shot of them all slaving away. 

Getting the Living Room/Dining Room taped, calked, and ready to paint the trim and walls

Getting the Kitchen cabinets and windows taped, calked, and ready to paint!

Finished product in the living room!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Week 29

I get these pop up reminders every Friday morning from my pregnancy app letting me know what week I'm at, and what baby is up to, and what to expect from my body during the coming week.  I find the app's way of delivering information to me much easier to "digest".  I get information in little chunks and I get through week-by-week.  When I first found out I was pregnant, I got a lot of books from friends and family, and I scoured them being the good little researcher that I am, but I found I went into information overload shutdown mode.  Getting updates conveniently delivered via my phone in the mornings is working quite well for me!

I feel like I say this week after week, but this week has been a little crazy!  Having a baby, and moving, and having a husband in school while both of us are working full time is really kind of too much sometimes.  We are entering the final stages of the home selling/buying process... finally!!  We sign papers for both the sale and the purchase on Monday, we'll hopefully get the keys to our new house on Thursday.  We're hoping to get in right away Thursday evening to start painting, work on the house all day Friday, and then move at 9am Saturday morning.  We have to be out of our house by Sunday at 5pm.  I just keep thinking "get through next week and it will all get easier" but then we have unpacking to do, some remodeling, and a nursery to set up.  We are definitely on a time crunch and I keep warning Bryann that I'm getting near the end of my stress-capacity and he might have a difficult, emotional, irrational, pregnant wife on his hands any moment now.  :-P

But even among all the commotion, we still find time for each other to relax and just "be" together.  We were watching the tail end of the Sex & the City movie last night (Bryann had one eye on the movie, and one eye on the baseball game on his ipad) when a scene came up at the very end where Miranda says something like "Is it really possible to be happy in your relationship every day?" Which made me reflect about Bryann and my relationship.  And I AM happy every single day.  Yes, I'm annoyed with him almost every single day also, but I love him endlessly, he makes me laugh daily, I feel like he's my "home", and I never ever go to bed thinking I wish I would have done something differently.

Needless to say, Bryann is extremely excited for baby Calista to make her way out and into our lives.  Since I've become noticeably bigger and actually pregnant looking, Bryann has been putting his hands on my belly and talking directly to her, or putting his face on my belly and giving her kisses.  It is probably the most adorable thing I've ever seen, and I love him all the more for it.

What Baby T has been up to this week:

  • Baby is now between 2.5 and 3 lbs and measures between 15-17 inches - the size of a butternut squash!  Her weight will double (or potentially triple) over the course of the next 11 weeks.  Growth spurt, here we come!
  • Her muscles and lungs are growing and strengthening, and her head is growing to make room for her genius brain.
  • She is gaining more white fat for energy (as opposed to her previous brown fat for temperature regulation) and her skin is smoothing out and becoming less wrinkly-alien-like
  • Space in her living quarters - aka MY STOMACH - is becoming cramped and she is kicking and punching more in protest.  She also kicks, rolls, and jabs in response to stimuli like noise, my movement, light, and that tasty chocolate ice cream I just ate.  :-P
  • Teeth buds for her permanent teeth are forming underneath the teeth buds for her baby teet
Pregnancy symptoms this week include:
  • A general and ongoing feeling of huge-ness.  Things are getting VERY crowded in my stomach, and I often feel like I'm going to explode.  I'm hungry, but I feel full and like there's no room to stuff any food in there.  My stomach feels very stiff (you know, filled with my organs AND a baby) everywhere except right at the very top underneath my bra line.  
  • Heartburn and digestion issues continue.  The digestion issues are most likely contributing to my feeling of huge-ness. 
  • I have to burp a lot.  Now, I know that I burp a lot normally (my friends can attest to this), and maybe I don't actually have to burp more than normal, but with all the crowding in my stomach, it's become difficult to burp, and very painful if I don't.  I actually have to get Bryann to burp me.  As in pat my back up for a few minutes until I can get a few out so I don't feel like I'm going to throw up.  Contemplate that tonight...  
  • Frequent trips to the bathroom.  I'm still sleeping ok, but I have to get up at least once during the night to use the bathroom.  
  • Restless Leg Syndrome has popped up over the last few weeks.  Just when I'm trying to fall asleep at night, and I try to meditate through it so it doesn't drive me insane. 
What I miss/What I'm looking forward to:
  • I miss normal body functions.  
  • I also miss beer again this week - I went to my choir's yearly post-season BBQ this week, and there were some tasty looking brews sweating away in coolers.
  • I'm looking forward to moving next weekend.  Not so much the packing, which will be the rest of my weekend... 
29 weeks along!

Bryann taking a break from packing

We've made progress!

Kitty's "Box Heaven"

Disaster Zone