Meandering (Wide)

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

12 Months

 At her 1-year wellness visit, Callie clocked in at 18 lbs, 4 oz (12th percentile), 28.25" tall (31st percentile), and toting around a 17.42" noggin (also 31st percentile).  Her weight was up from the 6th percentile during an illness check up in June, so YAY!  Growth!!

Health:  Callie had a bit of a runny nose this past month - not sure whether due to teething, or she had a cold - but that's about it for health issues.

Sleep:  We continue to enjoy sleeping through the night.  Occasionally she'll still wake up hungry around 4 or 5am, but for the most part she goes down without a peep around 7 pm and wakes up around 7 am.  During these last two weeks, she's been waking up around 6-6:30 am.  Which is fine when we're both going to work and up getting ready anyway.  It's less awesome when I am working from home and looking forward to "sleeping in" until 7;30 am...

Calista also still naps twice a day.  She goes down for her morning nap from about 9am-10 or 10:30, then for an afternoon nap from about 1pm-2 or 2:30.  I don't expect her to switch to one nap a day for QUITE some time!

Clothes/Diaper Size:  Embarrassingly enough, I had still been putting Callie in 6 month onesies.  I'd promised to box those up on her birthday though, so I had to sniffle a goodbye to some of my most beloved clothes.  She's also wearing 9 month onesies, shirts, and dresses/jumpers, and 9 and 12 month pants.  She'll probably still be wearing 9 month clothes for a bit longer.  Maybe I'll make a new rule to box up clothes that are 6 months or longer behind her actual age...

Diet:  Gone are the days of jarred baby food.  Calista gets a bottle of formula when she wakes up, before both of her naps, and before bed.  She also gets solid food for breakfast around 8am - usually banana and cheesy scrambled eggs, lunch around noon - some sort of vegetable, cheese, and/or leftovers from dinner the night before, a snack around 3pm - frozen peas are her fav, and dinner around 6pm - usually whatever we're eating.

Baby Gear Love:  We still use the Ergo when we're out and about in areas where a stroller may not fit well or be convenient.  I still love the Bob stoller, especially since I started jogging again this summer.  I still use her swing when she's fussy.  She's loving the walker lately, and it's fun to just let her roam around without having to keep a close eye on her.  We installed a swing on our lower deck, which she LOVES, so we've been putting her in the swing while we BBQ dinner or just sit outside and enjoy some beers together.

Nicknames:  Boo-Boo, Callie Bug, Bugger-Boo.

Favorite Songs/Lullabies:  We've (well, I've) been listening to country all summer long (summer = country music season) and she's been enjoying all of the residual singing and dancing in the house.

Milestones/Firsts:  Callie took her first steps by herself this month!  We're counting down the days to when she will be full-on walking by herself.  She's very cautious, and doesn't like to fall down, so I think it still may be awhile, but Bryann keeps saying "any day now!"

She's getting some words, too.  I can definitely distinguish "hi" and "bye-bye" along with "mama" and "dada".  She talks aaaallll the time, to herself, to people, to the kitty, so I think we'll be able to distinguish other words soon!

Likes:  Talking, Kitty, bath time, meal time.  She'll eat anything with marinara sauce, and strawberries, bananas, and cheese are her favorite foods.  She loves getting kisses from mommy and daddy, and LOVES seeing her grandmas!

Dislikes:  Falling down, parties with too many people, being tired, not getting what she wants immediately (we're starting to see tiny-tantrums... uh-oh...)

Things I Don't Want to Forget:
Calista is a talkative little girl.  When I'm working from home, I set up shop on the dining room table, and Callie plays in a contained area in the living room.  She crawls around the space or walks along the perimeter (usually with a toy in one hand that she carries all over with her) and she talks the ENTIRE time.  Usually some connection of "doo-doh"s and "ha-da-da"s.  She talks while she's reaching into the toy bin to pull out a new toy, she talks while she bangs her hands (or her toys) on the window, she talks as she's walking or crawling around.  I swear, if this girl grows up to be a non-stop talker, I will NOT be surprised.  She has SO much to say! When she's on a particularly long run of "duh-doh"s, Bryann and I start saying "Hodor" back to her. We MAY be trying to get "Hodor" to be one of her first words...

During the Braves game in Seattle, we had walked down to a left-field bar to have a drink with some of Jeff and Amber's friends, and Callie was getting fussy because it was way past her bedtime and she hadn't napped well in the carrier.  During the 7th inning stretch, the song "That's What I Like About You" was playing, and while she was sitting on my hip, I grabbed her left hand and I started singing the song and dancing around the bar with her!  She giggled and smiled and bopped her head along with the rhythm.

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