Meandering (Wide)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Weeks 19 and 20

So I've WAAAAY passed the deadline to write about week 19 (and I'm even a few days behind writing about week 20) so I'm combining the two.  My mom has been bugging me every day for the past week and a half to update my blog, so HERE YOU GO, MOM!

I haven't written because, in short, life has been crazy.  Week 19 was a blur of getting our house de-cluttered, cleaned, and ready for the photographer to come on Thursday, and to be listed on the market by Friday.  Thankfully, my parents came up to help clean, lift heavy objects, plant flowers, and keep me sane, otherwise I don't see how we could have gotten it all done.  The house had two competing offers within 12 hours of it being listed, so all of the hard work and stress was all worth it.  Even though we had offers, we didn't have everything signed until Tuesday the following week, so we had to keep showing the house for the next four days.  My parents left Tuesday morning, paperwork was all signed and in place by Tuesday night, and the inspection on our current house was scheduled for Friday.

In between all of the house business, we hosted our last Easter Brunch at our current house, had our ultrasound appointment, Bryann started his first day of Spring Term business school classes, I got to enjoy book club with the girls, and we had our 20-week-minus-1-day OB check-up.  I am a tired mama-to-be!  I'll write about the ultra sound and post a few pictures later this week when I have some more free time.  :-)

What Baby T has been up to these two weeks:
Week 19 - 

  • Baby grew to the size of an heirloom tomato at 6 inches and 8.5 ounces
  • Baby has been kicking up a little storm inside my belly!
  • Baby's brain is developing it's sensory center and may be able to hear and recognize my voice now
  • A waxy coating is forming on Baby's skin to protect it from pickling in the amniotic fluid
Week 20 - 
  • Baby is apparently the size of a banana at 10.5 ounces and 10 inches head to heel (previous measurements were head to rump.  Apparently measurements change when baby is developed enough to stretch out a bit)
  • Baby is swallowing more and has started to produce what I like to call pre-poo (aka meconium) which is accumulating in the bowels for the great first poo after birth!  (or the great first poo inside the womb if delivery gets complicated)
  • Baby continues to kick away!  Especially when I've been sitting or laying down for awhile.  Bryann was finally able to feel Baby kick from the outside this week!  He was pretty ecstatic.  :-D
Pregnancy symptoms include:
  • AM nausea or nausea at any weird smells.  My dad got to experience this first hand when he was visiting and making steak for breakfast, or boiling oysters.  Mmmmmm....
  • Slightly exacerbated reactions to stress or fatigue  :-)  I wouldn't say I OVERREACT or get CRANKY per se, but I have a little less tolerance for life not going perfectly  
Food cravings/aversions
  • I've been able to eat chicken again!!  Yippee!!!  
  • Bagels & cream cheese
  • Bananas, grapes, apples, tiny oranges
  • Nothing I couldn't eat this week!  :-D
What I miss:
  • Beer
  • Blue cheese
  • Drinking as much coffee and soda as I want
  • Pants that fit me - my mom made me go maternity pants shopping and it was the worst experience ever.  I know that small framed people like myself aren't really allowed to complain about being small, but it really does make shopping for jeans excruciating WITHOUT being pregnant.  Imagine what I feel like shopping WHILE pregnant.  
What I'm looking forward to: 
  • Looking pregnant - even at 20 weeks, if I'm not wearing the tank top and yoga pants I wear in these weekly pictures, I still just look like I've gained a bit of paunch right on my stomach.  
  • Not being sick in the mornings.  My mom said she was sick through 6 months, so apparently I still have 4-5 more weeks to go.  

1 comment:

  1. 1 - meconium is icky but I couldn't help but giggle at your sentiments on it! hehe

    2 - I'm glad your mom was bothering you to update this, someone's got to! Good job Elaine! :-p

    3 - Kicks strong enough that other people can feel, that's exciting!
